Title: Fundraiser Pampered Chef / Mom’s Night Out
Location: RISE
Description: We are having a fundraiser/Mom’s Night Out. Join us for some yummy snacks baked in or on Pampered Chef products. Donate a needed item from the list below and get your name in a raffle for great prizes, including a $25 gift certificate for Pampered Chef! If you buy anything, all proceeds go to RISE!
Thursday November 10, 7pm
@RISE, enter through the playground
For each item you donate, you can enter your name in the raffles! Donate 1 item, get your name in 1x….donate 20 items, get your name in 20x!
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Scotch Tape
Box of Tissues
If you can’t attend, we can take your order ahead of time…we have order forms and catalogs at RISE
Start Time: 7:00pm
Date: 2011-11-10