Many parents don’t know that they have options. They don’t understand that they have the right to direct their child’s education. That direction can be into a public school, a private school, homeschooling, or even simply transferring to another school. We’re here to help! There are 3 legal options, with lots of sub options in each category!
Charter schools are independent public schools that are exempt from many state and local rules and regulations in exchange for increased financial and academic accountability. Though these schools are autonomous public schools, they are typically required to adhere to state-based standards and to administer the state assessment.
Nevada is a unique state; while many other states had an influx of charter schools, a moratorium on start ups existed here for many years. In 2011 the Nevada legislature created the State Public Charter School Authority. It’s mission is to improve and influence public education in Nevada by sponsoring high quality public charter schools that prepare all students for college and career success and by modeling best practices in charter school sponsorship.
Nevada is now primed for a great charter school atmosphere- a friendly and helpful statewide authorizer which is committed to high quality charter schools. While charter laws still need some improvement, the atmosphere has wholly improved.
When a family is researching charter schools in Nevada, it is important to note there are two distinct kinds of charters. One type has it’s own brick and mortar school building. If you choose this type of school your family is usually responsible for the transportation. The other type of charter school is called Distance Education-meaning the learning is done primarily from the home, usually via the computer.
It is important to note that there is a distinct legal difference in Nevada between learning from the home environment via a publicly funded charter school, and the homeschooling option.
Recommended sources for additional information:
State Public Charter School Authority:
National Alliance for Public Charter Schools,
The Center for Education Reform (CER),
Homeschooling is a form of education for children outside of public or private schools. In Nevada, a parent or guardian can choose to homeschool. They would submit a one-time Notice of Intent to Homeschool, signing that they are responsible for directing the child’s education, at the beginning of compulsory school age. Homeschoolers in Nevada do not need to teach to state standards (nor common core) and are not required to test.
The homeschooling atmosphere in Nevada is great. There is a unified statewide homeschooling advocacy organization that works to keep homeschooling least restrictive. There are also many local support groups to help guide families in homeschooling and to provide additional classes/activities/support.
Recommended source for additional information:
Nevada Homeschool Network:
Home School Legal Defense Association:
Currently, Microschooling falls under our NV homeschooling statutes, meaning it’s a parent directed option under which the parent must file to homeschool. Click here for more info: Microschooling in NV