Title: RISE Introductory Meeting and Tour for Homeschool Support Group Leaders
Location: RISE-Conference Room
Description: Now that RISE Resource Center has a building, we’d love to invite all homeschool support group leaders and co-op leaders to an informative meeting and tour! If the “leader” is not able to attend, a representative is fine.
Join us Saturday November 5 from 10am-12pm to learn more about the mission and vision of RISE. We’ll incorporate a tour of the wonderful space we have available and you can let your imaginations go…parties, co-op classes, presentations and more! We will showcase the 5 classrooms, playground and outdoor meeting spaces available for your use.
RISE is located on the property of the Advent United Methodist Church, please enter through the playground.
Please rsvp to elissa, briansmom99@yahoo.com If you know of other groups, please pass this email along to their leaders as well!
Start Time: 10am
Date: 2011-11-05
End Time: 12pm