World History | | | |
Old Testament | | | |
Adam and His Kin | Ruth Beechick | | |
Behold Your Queen (Esther) | Gladys Malvern | (older) | |
Exodus | Brian Wildsmith | (older) | |
Foreigner; The: The Story of a Girl Named Ruth | Gladys Malvern | (older) | |
Hittite Warrior | Joanne Williamson | (older) | |
Joseph | Brian Wildsmith | (older) | |
Moses | Leonard Everett Fisher | | |
Sumer of Mesopotamia: The First Civilizations | Caselli | | |
Tirzah | Lucille Travis | (older) | |
Egypt | | | |
Ancient Egypt | Daniel Cohen | | |
Boy of the Pyramids | Ruth Fosdick | | |
Cat of Bubastes | G A Henty | (older) | |
Children's Homer | | (older) | |
Egyptian Pyramids | Anne Steel | | |
Egyptian Town | Scott Steedman | | |
Flash Dog of Old Egypt | | | |
Golden Goblet | McGraw | | |
Great Pyramid | Elizabeth Mann | | |
I Tut; Boy Who Became Pharaoh | Schlein | | |
Mara Daughter of the Nile | McGraw | (older) | |
Pepi and The Secret Names | | (easy) | |
Pharaohs & Pyramids | Usborne's Time Traveler set | (picture) | |
Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt | Payne | (medium) | |
Pyramid | Macauley | | |
Pyramids | Anne Millard | | |
Senefer: A Young Genius in Old Egypt | | | |
Greece & Rome | | | |
Adventures of the Greek Heroes | Mollie McLean & Anne Wiseman | | |
Adventures of Ulysses | Gottlieb | (medium) | |
Alexander the Great | Gunther | (medium) | |
Archimedes and the Door of Science | Bendick | (medium) | |
Barabbas | Par Lagerkvist | | |
Ben Hur | Lew Wallace | | |
Beric the Briton: Roman Invasion | GA Henty | (older) | |
Black Ships Before Troy | Rosemary Sutcliff | | |
Bronze Bow | Speare | | |
Buried City of Pompeii | S. Tanaka | | |
Caesar Augustus' World | Foster | (older) | |
Children of Ancient Greece | Louise Lamprey | | |
Children of Ancient Rome | Louise Lamprey | | |
Children's Homer | Padraic Colum | | |
City | Macauley | | |
Cleopatra | Stanley | (SL) | |
Cleopatra of Egypt | Leonora Hornblow | (medium) | |
Conqueror and Hero: The Search for Alexander | | | |
Dark Ships Before Troy | Sutcliffe | | |
Detectives in Togas | Winterfeld | (older) | |
Eagle of the Ninth | by Rosemary Sutcliff | | |
Eratosthenes: The Librarian Who Measured the Earth. | | (easy) | |
Exploits of Xenophon | Geoffrey Household | (medium) | |
For the Temple: Fall of Jerusalem | GA Henty | (older) | |
Golden Days of Greece | Olivia Coolidge | | |
Golden Fleece | Padraic Colum | | |
Great Caesar | Plantagenet Somerset Fry | (older) | |
Greek Gazette | Usborne | (medium) | |
Greek Myths & Stories | D'Aulaire | | |
Greek News etc. | | (medium) | |
Hannibal and His 37 Elephants | | (easy) | |
Herodotus for Boys and Girls | John S. White | | |
I Claudius | | (older) | |
In Search of Troy | | | |
Jesus of Nazareth | Fosdick | (medium) | |
Julius Caesar | John Gunther | (medium) | |
Last Days of Pompeii | Lord Bulwer-Lytton | | |
Life of Saint Patrick | | (medium) | |
Life of St. Paul | Fosdick | (medium) | |
Lives of Famous Romans | Olivia Coolidge | | |
Masada | Neil Waldman | | |
Mystery of the Roman Ransom | Winterfeld (sequel to Togas) | | |
Parthenon; The | | | |
Picture History of Ancient Rome | Richard Erdoes | (medium) | |
Plutarch: Ten Famous Lives | edited by Charles Robinson Jr. | (medium) | |
Plutarch's Parallel Lives the translation | John S. White | | |
Robe; The | Lloyd Douglas | | |
Roman Colosseum | E. Mann | | |
Roman News | | (medium) | |
Roman Record | Usborne | (medium) | |
Rome & Romans | Usborne's Time Traveler set | (picture) | |
Spartacus | | | |
Tombs and Treasures | Catherine Charley | | |
Traitor Queen | Nancy Faulkner | (older) | |
Trojan Horse | Emily Little | (easy but helpful to older kids too) | |
Vinegar Boy | Hauwse | | |
We Were There With Caesar's Legion | Webb | | |
Wonderbook | Nathaniel Hawthorne | | |
Young Carthaginian | Henty | (older) | |
The Middle Ages in Europe | | | |
Adam of the Road | Gray | (SL) | |
Adventures & Discoveries of Marco Polo 1300's | | (medium) | |
Augustine Came to Kent | Willard | (medium) | |
Brendan the Navigator | Fritz | (medium) | |
Cadfael series | Peters | (adult) (older) | |
Chief of the Cossacks | | (medium) | |
Crusades | Anthony West | (medium) | |
Door in the Wall | de Angeli | (SL) | |
The Dragon and the Raven: Or the Days of King Alfred | GA Henty | (older) | |
Fall of Constantinople | | (medium) | |
Gabriel and the Hour Book | | (older) | |
Genghis Kahn & the Mongol Horde | Harold lamb | (medium) | |
Great and Terrible Quest | | (medium) | |
Hidden Treasure of Glaston | Eleanore Jewett | (older) | |
If You Lived in the Days of the Knights | Ann McGovern | | |
In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce | GA Henty | (older) | |
Innocent Wayfaring | Chute | (older) | |
Ivanhoe | Scott | (older) | |
Jackaroo | Voight | (older) | |
Joan of Arc | Diane Stanley | | |
Joan of Arc | Nancy Wilson Ross | (medium) | |
King Alfred the Great | Johnson | (older) | |
King Arthur & His Knights | Mabel Louise Robinson | (medium) | |
Knights & Castles | Usborne's Time Traveler set | (picture) | |
Magna Charta | James Daugherty | (medium) | |
Making of a Knight | | (medium) | |
Medieval Feast | Aliki | (picture) | |
Minstrel in the Tower | Skurzynski | (SL) | |
Mongols | Nicholson | (older) | |
Otto of the Silver Hand | Pyle | | |
Parcel of Patterns | Walsh | (SL) | |
Pendragon series | Lawhead | (older) (preview) | |
Red Keep | Allen French | (older) | |
Robin Hood | McGovern | (SL) | |
Robin Hood | Pyle | (older) | |
Saint George for England: Hundred Years War | GA Henty | (older) | |
Scottish Chiefs | Porter | (older) | |
Secret Beyond the Mountains | Ritchie | (older) | |
Sign of the Green Falcon | Harness | (older) | |
Sir Gewain and the Green Knight | Tolkein | (older) | |
Son of Charlemagne | Willard | (older) | |
Sons of the Steppe | Baumann | (older) | |
Story of King Arthur | Howard Pyle | | |
Striped Ships | McGraw | (older) | |
Sword in the Stone | | (various versions) | |
Trumpeter of Krakow | Kelly | (older) | |
Viking Raiders | Usborne's Time Traveler set | | (picture) |
Vikings | Elizabeth Janeway | (medium) | |
We Were There With Richard the Lionhearted | | (medium) | |
White Stag | Seredy | (medium) | |
William the Conqueror | Thomas B. Costain | (medium) | |
Winning His Spurs: Crusades | GA Henty | (older) | |
Writing on the Hearth | Harness | (older) | |
Wulf the Saxon: Norman Conquest | GA Henty | (older) | |
The Renaissance | | | |
Barbary Pirates | C. S. Forester | (medium) | |
Bard of Avon: The Story of Wm. Shakespeare | Stanley | | |
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare for Children | E. Nesbitt | | |
Black Arrow | Stevenson | (older) | |
Boy Knight of Reims | Lownsbery | (older) | |
Cargo of the Madalena | Harnett | (older) | |
Cathedral | Macaulay | (medium) | |
Catherine the Great | Katherine Scherman | (medium) | |
Dick Whittington and His Cat | Marcia Brown | (easy) | |
Elizabeth Captive Princess | Irwin | (older) | |
Executioner's Daughter | | (older)(preview) | |
Flight and Adventures of Charles II | Charles Norman | (medium) | |
Good Queen Bess | Malkus | (older) | |
Great Escapes From the Tower of London | Abbott | (medium) | |
I Juan de Pereja | De Trevino | | |
Kidnapped | Stevenson | (older) | |
King's Cavalier | Shellabarger | (older) | |
Knight of the White Cross: War of the Roses | GA Henty | (older) | |
Lady in Waiting | Sutcliff | (older) | |
Leonardo da Vinci | Diane Stanley | (medium) | |
Leonardo da Vinci | Emily Hahn | (medium) | |
Life and Times of Louis XIV | | (older) | |
Lion of St. Mark: Venice | GA Henty | (older) | |
Long Meg | Minard | (older) | |
Mary Bloody Mary | | (older) | |
Mary Queen of Scots | Emily Hahn | (medium) | |
Master Cornhill | McGraw | (older) | |
Master Skylark | Bennett | | |
Michelangelo and da Vinci; Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artist's series | Mike Venezia | | |
Perilous Gard | | (older) | |
Piece of the Mountain: Blaise Pascal | McPherson | (medium) | |
Queen Elizabeth & the Spanish Armada | Frances Winwar | (medium) | |
Red Hugh | Reilly | (older) | |
Royal Diary series: Elizabeth Red Rose of Tudor | | (older) | |
Second Mrs. Giaconda; The | Konigsburg | | |
Stars of Fortune | Harnett | (older) | |
Three Musketeers | Dumas | (older) | |
Will Shakespeare and the Globe Theater | White | (medium) | |
World of Lady Jane Grey | Gladys Malvern | (older) | |
The Reformation | | | |
By Englands Aid: Spanish Armada | GA Henty | (older) | |
By Pike and Dyke: Rise of the Dutch Republic | GA Henty | (older) | |
The Escape | Van der Jagt | (older) | |
The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by Day | O'Dell | | |
Huguenot Garden | Jones | | |
Ink on His Fingers | Vernon | (SL) | |
Lion of the North: Thirty Years War | GA Henty | (older) | |
The Man Who Laid an Egg | Louise A. Vernon | (medium) | |
Martin Luther | | (medium) | |
The Monk Who Shook the World | Davey | | |
Morning Star of the Reformation | Thompson | | |
St. Bartholomew's Eve | Henty | (older) | |
Watch for the Morning | Oliver | (older) | |
Won by the Sword: Thirty Years War | GA Henty | (older) | |
The Age of Exploration | | | |
1492: Year of Columbus | Foster | (easy) | |
Balboa | Syme | | |
Balboa: Swordsman & Conqueror | Riesenberg | (medium) | |
Brendan the Navigator: A History Mystery About the Discovery of America | Jean Fritz | (easy) | |
By Right of Conquest: With Cortez in Mexico | G.A. Henty | (older) | |
Brandan's Journey | Jean Fritz | | |
Captain Cook Explores the South Seas | | (medium) | |
Captain Cortes Conquers Mexico | Wm Johnson | (medium) | |
Columbus | DAulaire | (medium) | |
Columbus Finder of the New World | Ronald Syme | (easy) | |
Conquista | Clyde Robert Bulla | (easy) | |
The Discovery of the Americas | Maestro | (medium) | |
Explorations of Pere Marquette | Jim Kjelgaard | (medium) | |
Far Voyager | Jean Lee Latham | | |
Ferdinand Magellan: Master Mariner | Seymour Pond | (medium) | |
Hawaii Gem of the Pacific | Lewis | (medium) | |
Hudson's Bay Company | | (medium) | |
I Columbus: My Journal | Peter & Connie Roop | (easy) | |
I Discover Columbus | Robert Lawson | | |
If You Were There in 1492 | Barbara Brenner | (easy) | |
Pedro's Journal | Conrad | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Christopher Columbus | David Adler | (easy) | |
The Quest of Captain Cook | Millicent Selsam | (medium) | |
Vasco de Gama | Syme | | |
Voyages of Christopher Columbus | | (medium) | |
Voyages of Henry Hudson | | (medium) | |
Walter Raleigh | | (medium) | |
Westward With Columbus | John Dyson | (older) | |
Where Do You Think You're Going Christopher Columbus | Jean Fritz | (easy) | |
Who Discovered America? | McKissack?? | (medium) | |
World in 1492 | Jean Fritz | (easy) | |
World of Columbus and Sons | Genevieve Foster | (older) | |
Europe in the Age of Reason (1700's) | | | |
Adventures of Roderick Random | Smollett | (older) | |
Bonnie Prince Charlie | GA Henty | (older) | |
Catherine the Great | Scherman | (medium) | |
Commodore Perry & the Opening of Japan | Kuhn | (medium) | |
Dark Frigate | Hawes | (older) (preview) | |
Daughter of the Seine | Eaton | (older) | |
Famous Pirates of the New World | A. B. C. Whipple | (medium) | |
Following the Phoenix | Trevor | (older) | |
Heart Strangely Warmed | Louise Vernon | (medium) | |
Hero of Trafalger | Whipple | (medium) | |
Journal of Madame Royale | Powers | (older) | |
Last Prince | Wallower | (older) | |
Lorna Doone | Blackmore | (older) | |
Marie Antoinette | Belloc | (older) | |
Marie Antoinette | Bernadine Kielty | (medium) | |
Marquis de Lafayette: Bright Sword of Freedom | Carter | (medium) | |
Mississippi Bubble | Costain France & French America | (medium) | |
Peter the Great | Stanley | (SL) | |
Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada | | (medium) | |
Queen's Necklace | Duman | (older) | |
Reb and the Redcoat | Savery | (older) | |
In the Reign of Terror | GA Henty | (older) | |
Scottish Seas | Douglas Jones | (older) | |
Sea King: Sir Francis Drake | Marin | (older) | |
Slave Who Freed Haiti:Story of Louverture | Scherman | (medium) | |
Songs for a Sixpence | Blackstock | (older) | |
Susanna Wesley ; (Sower series) | Ludwig | (medium) | |
Tale of Two Cities | Dickens | (older) | |
Three Against London | Varble | (older) | |
Young Lafayette | Eaton | (older) | |
Young Walter Scott | Elizabeth Jane Gray | | |
Europe in the Nineteenth Century | | | |
Abraham Lincoln's World | Foster | | |
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Doyle | (older) | |
Charles Dickens | Stanley | | |
Country Doctor | Balzac | (older) (preview) | |
Cure of Ars | Windeatt | (older) | |
Dash for Khartoum | GA Henty | (older) | |
Doctors Who Conquered Yellow Fever | Hill | (medium) | |
Emma | Austin | (older) | |
Facing Death: Welsh mines | GA Henty | (older) | |
First Transatlantic Cable | Nathan | (medium) | |
Florence Nightingale | | (medium) | |
Florence Nightingale: God's Servant at the Battlefield | Collins | | |
French Foreign Legion | Wyatt Blassingame | (medium) | |
Garibaldi: Father of Modern Italy | Marcia Davenport | (medium) | |
General Brock and Niagra Falls (War of 1812) | | (medium) | |
George Washington's World | Foster | | |
In Search of Honor | Hess | | |
King's Giraffe | Collier | (medium) | |
Lord Nelson Hero of Trafalgar | A. B. C. Whipple | (medium) | |
Man Who Changed China: The Story of Sun Yat-sen | Buck | (medium) | |
Michael Strogoff | Verne | (older) | |
Mr. Midshipman Hornblower | C.S. Forester | | |
Murder for Her Majesty | y Beth Hilgartner | (older | |
Napoleon & the Battle of Waterloo | | (medium) | |
Napoleon | Carroll | (SL) | |
Picture Book of Florence Nightingale | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Louis Braille | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Simon Bolivar | David Adler | (easy) | |
Queen Victoria | Noel Streatfeild | (medium) | |
Rose Round | Trevor | (older) | |
Royal Canadian Mounted Police | Richard L. Neuberger | (medium) | |
Russians series | Pella | (older) | |
Secret of the Ruby Ring | Yvonne MacGrorry | (older) | |
Seeing Fingers Louis Braille | de Gering | (older) | |
Simon Bolivar the Great Liberator | Arnold Whitridge | (medium) | |
Story of Scotland Yard | Laurence Thompson | (medium) | |
Tom Brown's School Days | Hughes | (older) | |
Victoria | Chiflet | (older) | |
Wilberforce | Pollock | (older) | |
Wolves of Willoughby Chase | Aiken | (older) | |
World War I | | | |
America's First World War: General Pershing | Henry Castor | (medium) | |
Bold Leaders of World War I | Col. Red Reider | (medium) | |
Flying Aces of World War I | Gene Gurney | (medium) | |
Gay Neck, Story of a Pigeon | | | |
House on Walenska Street | Herman | | |
Lawrence of Arabia | MacLean | (medium) | |
Medal of Honor Heroes | | (medium) | |
Story of Albert Schweitzer | | (medium) | |
World War II | | | |
Battle for Iwo Jima | Leckie WWII | (medium) | |
Battle for the Atlantic | Williams | (medium) | |
Battle for the Bulge | Toland | (medium) | |
Battle of Britain | Quentin Reynolds | (medium) | |
Ben-Gurion and the Birth of Israel 1940's | | (medium) | |
Chestry Oak | Seredy | | |
Combat Nurses of World War II | Wyatt Blassingame | (medium) | |
Commandos of World War II | Hodding Carter | (medium) | |
Escape from Warsaw | Serraillier | (SL) | |
Flat Top Aircraft Carriers | Castillo | (medium) | |
Flying Tigers | by Tolark | (medium) | |
From Casablanca to Berlin | Bliven | (medium) | |
From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa | Bliven | (medium) | |
Great American Fighter Pilots of World War II | R. Loomis | (medium) | |
Guadalcanal Diary | Richard Tregaskis | (medium) | |
Hiroshima | John Hersey | | |
JFK and the PT-109 | Tregaskis | (medium) | |
Medical Corps Heros of World War II | Blasingame | (medium) | |
Midway: Battle for the Pacific | Castillo | (medium) | |
North to Freedom | | (SL) | |
Number the Stars | | (SL) | |
Pearl Harbor is Burning | Kudlinski | (medium) | |
Picture Book of Anne Frank | David Adler | (easy) | |
Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler | William L. Shirer | (medium) | |
Seabees of World War II | Castillo | (medium) | |
Sinking of the Bismarck | William L. Shirer | (medium) | |
Snow Treasure | McSwigen | (SL) | |
Story of Atomic Energy 1940's | | (medium) | |
Story of D Day | Bliven | (medium) | |
Story of D-Day | | (medium) | |
Story of Submarines | Weller | (medium) | |
Story of the Paratroops | Weller | (medium) | |
Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo | Lawson | (medium) | |
Twenty and Ten | | (SL) | |
U.S. Frogmen of WWII | Blasingame | (medium) | |
Winston Churchill | Reynolds | (medium) | |
Young Underground Series | Robert Elmer | (WW II; Christian; 10 or more books in the series) | |
The World Since 1945 | | | |
Cry the Beloved Country | Alan Paton | (older) | |
Exploring the Himalayas | William O. Douglas | (medium) | |
The Good Master | Seredy | (SL) | |
Kon-Tiki | Thor Heyerdahl | (older) | |
Plague | Carol Balizet | (older) | |
The Perfect Storm | Sebastian Junger | (older) | |
Red Scarf Girl | | | |
United Nations in War and Peace | Fehrenbach | (medium) | |
War in Korea | | (medium) | |
Watership Down | Richard Adams | (older) | |
Within Reach: My Everest Story | Mark Pfezer & Jack Galvin | (older) | |
U.S. History | | | |
Colonial Period | | | |
1620 Year of the Pilgrims | Genevieve Foster | (easy) | |
America Builds Homes; The Story of the First Colonies | Alice Dalgliesh | (easy) | |
Bannekers of Bannaky Springs | Harrison | | |
Brown Shadow | Craig Massey | (older) | |
Crucible; The | Arthur Miller | (older) | |
Daniel's Duck | Bulla | (easy) | |
Deerslayer | James Fenimore Cooper | (older) | |
Double Life of Pocahontas | Jean Fritz | (easy) | |
Down Ryton Water | | (older) | |
Early Thunder | | (older) | |
Eating the Plates: A Pilgrim Book of Manners | Lucille Recht Penner | (easy) | |
Finding Providence-The Story of Roger Williams | | (easy) | |
First Thanksgiving | Dalgliesh | (easy) | |
Good News From New England | Edward Winslow | (older) | |
Hatmakers Sign | Fleming | (easy) | |
Hiawatha | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | (easy) | |
Homes in the Wilderness subtitled A Pilgrim's Journal of Plymouth Plantation in 1620 | edited by Margaret Wise Brown | | |
If You Grew Up With George Washington | Ruth Belov | (easy) | |
If You Lived in Colonial Times | Ann McGovern | (easy) | |
If You Lived in Williamsburg in Colonial Days | Brenner | (easy) | |
If You Lived With the Iroquois | Ellen Levine | (easy) | |
If You Sailed on the Mayflower | Ann McGovern | (easy) | |
Indian Drums and Broken Arrows | | (older) | |
Jamestown, New World Adventure | | | |
James Printer: A Novel of Rebellion | | (older) | |
John Smith of Virginia | Ronald Syme | (easy) | |
John Smith: Gentleman Adventurer | C.H. Forbes-Lindsay | (older) | |
Landing of the Pilgrims | James Doughtery | (older) | |
Legend of Bluebonnet | Tomie de Paola | (easy) | |
Mary Geddy's Day : Colonial Girl in Williamsburg | Kate Waters | (easy) | |
Matchlock Gun | Walter Edmonds | (easy) | |
Morts Relation | William Bradford | (older) | |
On the Mayflower : Voyage of the Ship's Apprentice & a Passenger Girl | Kate Waters | (easy) | |
Pocahontas | D'Aulaire | (medium) | |
Pocahontas and the Strangers | Bulla | (medium) | |
Prisoners' Sword | Barbara Chamberlain | | |
Puritan Adventure | Lenski | | |
Samuel Eatons Day | Kate Waters | (easy) | |
Sarah Mortons Day | Kate Waters | (easy) | |
Small Wolf | Nathaniel Benchley | (easy) | |
Squanto: Friend of the Pilgrims | Clyde Robert Bulla | (easy) | |
Story of William Penn | Aliki | (easy) | |
Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times | Kate Waters | (easy) | |
This Dear-Bought Land | Jean Lee Latham | (older) | |
Three Ships Come Sailing | Gilchrist Waring | (easy) | |
Three Young Pilgrims | Cheryl Harness | (easy) | |
Thunder From the Clear Sky | Marcia Sewall | | |
Tomahawks and Trombones | Barbara Mitchell | (easy) | |
Two Mighty Rivers (Son of Pocahontas) | Mari Hanes | | |
What Are You Figuring Now Benjamin Banneker | Jeri Ferris | (easy) | |
Whistle; The | Ben Franklin | (easy) | |
White Sails to China | Bulla | (easy) | |
Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock? | Jean Fritz | (easy) | |
William Bradford: Plymouths Faithful Pilgrim | Gary Schmidt | (older) | |
Witchcraft of Salem Village | Shirley Jackson | (older) | |
World of Captain John Smith | Foster | (older) | |
Young John Quincy) | Cheryl Harness | (easy) | |
American Revolution | | | |
Aaron and the Green Mountain Boys | Patricia Lee Gouch | (easy) | |
American Revolution | Bliven | (medium) | |
American Revolution How we fought the War of Independence | Dolan | | |
And Then What Happened Paul Revere? | Fritz | (easy) | |
Arrow Over the Door | Joseph Bruchac | | |
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin | | (older) | |
Battle of Trenton | Mc Phillips | | |
Bells of Freedom | Dorothy Gilman | | |
Ben and Me | Ben Lawson | (easy) | |
Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia | Cousins | (medium) | |
Benedict Arnold | Syme | | |
Benjamin Franklin | DAulaire | (medium) | |
Betsy Ross and the Flag | Mayer | (medium) | |
Bill of Rights (Cornerstones of Freedom series) | R. Conrad Stein | (easy) | |
Boston Coffee Party | | (easy) | |
Can't You Make Them Behave King George? | Fritz | (easy) | |
Daughter of Revolution: A True Story of the American Revolution | Quackenbush | (easy) | |
Day of Glory | Philip Spencer | | |
Deadly Chase (v. 2 in the series "Colonial Captives") | Angela Elwell Hunt | | |
Deborah Sampson Goes to War | Stevens | (easy) | |
Drums at Saratoga | Banim | (easy) | |
Drums | James Boyd | (older) | |
Ethan Allen The Green Mountain Boys | Brown | (medium) | |
George the Drummer Boy | Benchley | (easy) | |
George Washington | North | (medium) | |
George Washington: A Picture Book Biography | James Gilblin | (easy) | |
George Washington's Breakfast | Fritz | (easy) | |
George Washington's Mother | Jean Fritz | (easy) | |
George Washington's Socks | Elvira Woodruff | | |
Give Me Liberty: The Christian Patriotism of Patrick Henry | David Vaughn | (older) | |
Give Us Liberty | HS Peterson | | |
Green Mountain Boys | | | |
Guns for General Washington | Seymour Reit | (SL)(older) | |
Heroines of '76 | Anticagila | | |
Home on Stoney Creek | Wanda Luttrell (V. 1 of 3 in a series; Christian) | | |
If You Lived at the Time of the American Revolution | Kay Moore | (easy) | |
If You Were There in 1776 | Barbara Brenner | | |
If You Were There When They Signed the Constitution | Elizabeth Levy | (easy) | |
James Madison and Dolley Madison and Their Times | | (easy) | |
John Paul Jones | Dorothea J. Snow | | |
John Paul Jones | Sperry | (medium) | |
Johnny Tremain | | (older) | |
Joke's On George | Michael Tunnell | (easy) | |
Journal of a Revolutionary Woman | Greenberg | | |
Journey to Monticello | James E. Knight | (easy) | |
Katie's Trunk | Turner | (easy) | |
Last of the Mohicans | James Fenimore Cooper | (older) | |
Meet George Washington | Heilbroner | (easy) | |
Meet Thomas Jefferson | Barrett | (easy) | |
Minute Boys of Bunker Hill | Edward Stratmeyer | (older) | |
Minute Boys of Lexington | Edward Stratmeyer | (older) | |
A More Perfect Union: The Story of the Constitution | | | |
My Brother Sam is Dead | James L & Christopher Collier | | |
Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen | Ethan Allen | (older) | |
Night Journeys | Avi | (older) | |
Our Independence and the Constitution | Fisher | (medium) | |
Paul Revere (Childhood of Famous Americans Series) | | | |
Paul Revere and the Minutemen | Fisher | (medium) | |
Paul Revere's Ride | Ted Rand illus. | | |
Phoebe the Spy | Judith Berry Griffin | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of George Washington | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Paul Revere | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Patrick Henry | Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson | David Adler | (easy) | |
Poor Richard | James Doughtery | (older) | |
Private Yankee Doodle | Martin | | |
Pop Goes The Weasel & Yankee Doodle | Robert Quackenbush | | |
Revolutionary Poet: A Story About Phyllis Wheatley | Maryann N. Weidt | (easy) | |
Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and Conversation | George Washington | (older) | |
Sam the Minuteman | Benchley | (easy) | |
Samual Adams: The Father of American Independence | Dennis Fradin | (older) | |
Samuel's Choice | Berleth | (easy) | |
Sarah Bishop | Scott O'Dell | (older) | |
Shh! We're Writing the Constitution | Fritz | (easy) | |
Shot Heard Round the World | Nolan | | |
Silver for General Washington | Meadowcroft | | |
Six Silver Spoons | Lowery | (easy) | |
Spies on the Devil's Belt | Betsy Haynes | | |
Spy and General Washinton; The | Wise | | |
Spy in Old Philadelphia | Anne Emery | | |
Story of Lexington and Concord | Stein | | |
Story of the Boston Massacre | Phelan | | |
Story of the Boston Tea Party | Stein | | |
Story of the U.S. Marines | Hunt | (medium) | |
Swamp Fox of the Revolution | Holbrook | (medium) | |
The Great Little Madison | Jean Fritz | | |
The Keeping Room | Myers | Shows horrors of war. (preview) | |
Thomas Jefferson | Sheean | (medium) | |
Thomas Jefferson: Architect of Democracy | John Severance | (older) | |
Traitor: the Case of Benedict Arnold | Fritz | | |
We the People | Peter Spier | (picture book) | |
What's the Big Idea Ben Franklin? | Fritz | (easy) | |
Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? | Fritz | (easy) | |
Why Don't You Get a Horse Sam Adams? | Fritz | (easy) | |
Why Not Lafayette? | Jean Fritz | (easy) | |
Will You Sign Here John Hancock? | Fritz | (easy) | |
Williamsburg Years (6-book Christian Heritage Series) | Nancy Rue | | |
Winter at Valley Forge | James Knight | (easy) | |
Winter at Valley Forge | Mason | (medium) | |
Winter Hero | J.L. Collier & C. Collier | | |
Winter of The Red Snow | K. Gregory | (older) | |
World of Knowing: A Story About Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (deaf) | Andy Russell Bowen | (easy) | |
World Turned Upside Down | Richard Ferrie | | |
Yankee Doodle Boy | ed. Joseph Plumb Martin | (older) | |
Yankee Doodle | Gary Chalk (Dorling Kindersley) | (E) | |
Young Patriot | Jim Murphy | (older) | |
Young Paul Revere's Boston | Epstein | | |
War of 1812 | | | |
18 Penny Goose | | (easy) | |
1812, The War Nobody Won | A. Marin | | |
Abigails Drum | Minahan | (easy) | |
American Army of Two | J Greeson | (easy) | |
Carry On Mr. Bowditch | | (older) | |
Cornstalks and Cannonballs | Barbara Mitchell | (easy) | |
Dolly Madison | Mayer | (medium) | |
General Brock and Niagra Falls | Adam | (medium) | |
Keep the Lights Burning Abbie | Peter & Connie Roop | (easy) | |
Lafitte the Pirate | Ariane Dewey | (easy) | |
Once On This Island | G. Whelan | | |
Pirate Lafitte and Battle of New Orleans | Tallant | (medium) | |
So Proudly She Sailed | Cabral | | |
Star-Spangled Banner | Peter Spier | (easy) | |
Westward Expansion & Frontier Life | | | |
Addie Across the Prairie | Laurie Lawlor | | |
Addie's Dakota Winter | Laurie Lawlor | | |
Ahyoka and the Talking Leaves | Peter & Connie Roop | (easy) | |
Amazing Impossible Erie Canal | Cheryl Harness | (easy) | |
Back of Beyond; The: A Story About Lewis and Clark | Andy Russell Bowen | (easy) | |
Ballad of Lucy Whipple | | (older) | |
Bandit's Moon | Sid Fleischman | | |
Bears on Hemlock Mountain | Dalgliesh | (easy) | |
Beyond the Divide | Kathryn Lasky | | |
Bonanza Girl | Patricia Beatty | | |
Boy in the Alamo | Margaret Cousins | (older) | |
Bread-and-Butter Indian | Anne Colver | | |
Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express | | (Easy)) | |
Cabin Faced West | Fritz | (easy) | |
California Gold Rush | McNeer | (medium) | |
Captain's Dog: My Journey with the Lewis and Clark Tribe | Roland Smith | | |
Carolina's Courage | Elizabeth Yates | | |
Children of the Wild West | Russell Freedman | (easy) | |
Coming of the Mormons | Kjelgaard | (medium) | |
Courage of Sarah Noble | Alice Dalgliesh | (easy) | |
Custer's Last Stand | Reynolds | (medium) | |
Daniel Boone | Brown | (medium) | |
Davy Crocket | Holbrook | (medium) | |
Donner Party | Marian Calabro | (older) | |
Empires Lost and Won: The Spanish Heritage in the Southwest | Albert Marrin | (older) | |
Erie Canal | Adams | (medium) | |
Facing West: A Story of the Oregon Trail | Kathleen Kudlinski | (easy) | |
First Overland Mail | Pinkerton | (medium) | |
Flaming Arrows | William O. Steele | | |
Gathering of Days | Joan Blos | (easy) | |
Geronimo | Moody | (medium) | |
Going West | Jean an Leeuwen | (easy) | |
Gone and Back | Nathaniel Benchley | | |
Great American Gold Rush | Rhoda Blumberg | | |
Great Turkey Walk | Kathleen Karr | (med) | |
Head Full of Notions: A Story About Robert Fulton | Andy Russell Bowen | (easy) | |
Heroines of the Early West | Ross | (medium) | |
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis and Clark | Rosalyn Schanzer | (med) | |
I am Houston | Wade | | |
If You Lived With the Cherokee | Peter Roop | (easy) | |
If You Lived With the Hopi | Anne Kamma | | |
If You Lived With the Sioux Indians | Ann McGovern | (easy) | |
If You Traveled West on a Covered Wagon | Ellen Levine | (easy) | |
Indian Crafts | D'Amato | | |
Indian Summer | F.N. Monjo | (easy) | |
Indian Winter | Russell Freedman | (easy) | |
It's Only Goodbye | Virginia T. Gross | (medium) | |
Jericho's Journey | Wisler | | |
John James Audubon | Kieran | (medium) | |
Journals of Lewis and Clark | ed. John Bakeless | (older) | |
Journeyman | | (SL) | |
Kit Carson and the Wild Frontier | | | |
Kit Carson | Moody | (medium) | |
Kit Carson; Childhood of Famous Americans | | | |
Lewis and Clark | Neuberger | (medium) | |
Life of David Crockett | by himself | (older) | |
Light in the Forest | Conrad Richter | (older) | |
Little House on the Prairie series | Laura Ingalls Wilder | | |
Lone Star: A Story of the Texas Rangers | Kathleen Kudlinski | (easy) | |
Louisianna Purchase | Talbot | (medium) | |
Make Way for Sam Houston | Fritz | (medium) | |
Moccasin Trail | Eloise Jarvis McGraw | (older) | |
Mr. Blue Jeans : a story about Levi Strauss | Maryann N. Weidt | | |
Night Bird: A Story of the Seminole Indians | Kathleen Kudlinski | (easy) | |
Of Courage Undaunted | James Doughtery | (older) | |
Oh What an Awful Mess! : A Story of Charles Goodyear | Robert Quackenbush | (easy) | |
On to Oregon | Honore Morrow | | |
Overland in 1846: Diaries and Letters of the California Oregon Trail | ed. Dale Morgan | (older) | |
Picture Book of Davy Crockett | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Sacagawea | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Sitting Bull | David Adler | (easy) | |
Pioneers Go West | George R. Stewart | (older) | |
Piper's Ferry | Wisler | | |
Pony Express | Adams | (medium) | |
Prairie Visions | Pam Conrad | (easy) | |
Quick Annie Give me a Catchy Line!: A story of Samuel F.B. Morse | Robert Quackenbush | (easy) | |
Remember the Alamo | Warren | (medium) | |
Retreat to Glory | Latham | | |
Riding the Pony Express | Bulla | (easy) | |
Robert Fulton and the Steamboat | Hill | (medium) | |
Rough and Ready Prospectors | A.S. Gintzler | | |
Saga of Lewis and Clark | | | |
Sam Houston a Discovery Book | JL Latham | (easy) | |
Sam Houston | Johnson | (medium) | |
Sam Houston the Tallest Texan | | | |
Samuel F.B. Morse (Sower) | Tiner | (SL)(older) | |
Sante Fe Trail | Adams | (medium) | |
Sarah Plain and Tall | Patricia McLachlan | (easy) | |
Sarah Witchers Story | Elizabeth Yates | (easy) | |
Sequoyah | Riger | (medium) | |
Shaking the Nickel Bush | Moody | (SL)(older) | |
Soft Rain | Cornelissen | | |
Story of General Custer | Margaret Leighton | | |
Story of San Francisco | Jackson | (medium) | |
Story of the Gold at Sutter's Mill | R. Conrad Stein | | |
Story of the Homestead Act | R. Conrad Stein | (easy) | |
Susanna of the Alamo | John Jakes | (easy) | |
Swift Rivers | | (SL)(older) | |
Texas Rangers | Henry | (medium) | |
They're Off! The Story of the Pony Express | Cheryl Harness | (easy) | |
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too | Young | (medium) | |
To California in a Covered Wagon | Stewart | (medium) | |
Trappers and Traders of the Far West | Daugherty | (medium) | |
Tree in the Trail | H.C. Holling | | |
True Book and New True Book series | | | |
Voices of the Alamo | Sherry Garland | (older) | |
Wagon Wheels | | (easy) | |
War Chief of the Seminoles | McNeer | (medium) | |
Watt Got You Started Mr. Fulton? : A Story of James Watt & Robert Fulton | Robert Quackenbush | (easy) | |
Way West; The | A.S. Knight | (picture book) | |
What's the Big Deal | | | |
Who Let Muddy Boots Into the White House? : A Story of Andrew Jackson | Robert Quackenbush | (easy) | |
Wilderness Wife | Degering | | |
Words by Heart | Ouida Sebestyen | | |
Wyatt Earp: U.S. Marshall | | (medium) | |
York | | (easy) | |
Civil War | | | |
Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to Whitehouse | Sterling North | (medium) | |
Abe Lincoln Goes to Washington | Cheryl Harness | | |
Abe Lincoln's Hat | | (easy) | |
Abraham Lincoln ) | D'Aulaire | (easy) | |
Across Five Aprils | | (SL) | |
Allen Jay and the Underground Railroad | Marlene Brill | (easy) | |
Among the Camps: Young Peoples Stories of the War | Thomas Nelson Page | (older) | |
Battle of Gettysburg | Col. Frank A. Haskell | (older) | |
Be Ever Hopeful Hannalee | Patricia Beatty | (older) | |
Billy Yank: The Union Soldier in the Civil War | | (easy) | |
Boys' War, The | Jim Murphy | (older) | |
Brady | Fritz | (medium) | |
Bull Run | Paul Fleischman | (older) | |
Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee | J. Steven Wilkins | | |
Captured by a Spy | L. Travis | | |
Charley Skedaddle | Patricia Beatty | | |
Commander in Chief: Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War | Albert Marrin | | |
Drinking Gourd, The | F. N. Monjo | (easy) | |
Drummer Boy's Battle; The | Dave & Neta Jackson | | |
Freedom Crossing by Margaret Goff Clark | | | |
Gettysburg | MacKinlay Kantor | (medium) | |
Go Free or Die: A Story About Harriet Tubman | | (easy) | |
Golden Book of the Civil War | | | |
Good Morning Mr. President: A story About Carl Sandburg | Barbara Mitchell | (easy) | |
Grace's Letter to Lincoln | | (easy) | |
Harriet and the Promised Land | Jacob Lawrence | (easy) | |
Harriet and the Runaway Book | Johanna Johnston | (easy) | |
Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher Preachers | Jean Fritz | | |
If You Grew Up With Abraham Lincoln | Ann McGovern | (easy) | |
If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War | Kay Moore | (easy) | |
If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad | Ellen Levine | (easy) | |
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry in American history | R. Conrad Stein | (easy) | |
Johnny Reb: The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War | | (easy) | |
Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln : the Story of the Gettysburg Address | Fritz | (easy) | |
Last Safe House: A Story of the Underground Railroad | Barbara Greenwood | | |
Lincoln: A Photobiography | Russell Freedman | (older) | |
Long Journey Home | Julius Lester | | |
Long Road to Gettysburg | Jim Murphy | | |
Meet Abraham Lincoln | Barbara Cary | (easy) | |
Perilous Road, The | William O. Steele | (older) | |
Picture Book of Abraham Lincoln | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Frederick Douglass | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Harriet Tubman | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Robert E. Lee | David Adler | (easy) | |
River of Fire | Bettie Wilson Story | | |
Robert E. Lee | Carol Greene | (easy) | |
Runaway to Freedom | Barbara Smucker | | |
Slave Dancer | Paula Fox | (older) | |
Slave Ship, The | Emma Gelders Sterne | | |
Slopes of War | | (older) | |
Story of the Battle of Bull Run | Zachary Kent | (medium) | |
Story of the Battle of Shiloh | Zachary Kent | (medium) | |
Story of the Gettysburg Address | Kenneth Richards | (medium) | |
Story of the Surrender at Appomattox Court House | | | |
Story of the Underground Railroad | R. Conrad Stein | (medium) | |
Thief from Five Points | L. Travis | | |
Thunder at Gettysburg | Patricia Lee Gauch | (easy) | |
To Be A Slave | Julius Lester | (older) | |
Undying Glory | Clinton Cox | | |
Value of Helping : The Story of Harriet Tubman | Ann Donegan | (easy) | |
Vicksburg Veteran | F.N. Monjo | (easy) | |
War Comes to Willy Freeman (V. 1 in a series) | James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier | (older)(preview) | |
Who Comes With Cannons? | Patricia Beatty | | |
With Lee in Virginia | G.A. Henty | (older) | |
US in the Late 19th & Early 20th Century | | | |
Call of the Wild | | (older) | |
Alaska Gold Rush | McNeer | (medium) | |
Alexander Graham Bell | Leonard Evrett Fisher | | |
Along Came the Model T! How Henry Ford Put the World on Wheels | Quackenbush | (easy) | |
Andrew Carnegie | Shippen | (medium) | |
Big Balloon Race | Eleanor Coerr | (easy) | |
Bite of the Gold Bug: A Story of the Alaskan Gold Rush | Barthe Clements | (medium) | |
Bobbin Girl | EA McCully | (picture book) | |
Buffalo Bill's Great Wild West Show | Havighurst | (medium) | |
Building of the First Transcontinental Railroad | Nathan | (medium) | |
Carolinas Courage | Elizabeth Yates | (easy) | |
Clara and the Bookwagon | | (easy) | |
CLICK! : A Story about George Eastman | Barbara Mitchell | (older) | |
Conquest of the North and South Poles | Owen | (medium) | |
Copper Kings of Montana | Place | (medium) | |
Cowboys of the Wild West | Russell Freedman | (older) | |
The Day it Rained Forever | Virginia T Gross | (medium) | |
Dear America/So Far From Home | B Denenberg | (older) | |
Disaster at Johnstown | Dolson | (medium) | |
Dragons Gate | | (SL) (older) | |
Earthquake! A Story of Old San Francisco | Kathleen Kudlinski | (med) | |
Ellis Island Series | Joan Lowery Nixon | | |
George Washington Carver | White | (medium) | |
Golden Age of Railroads | Holbrook | (medium) | |
Golden Spike | R. Conrad Stein | (easy) | |
Great Fire; The | Jim Murphy | (medium) | |
Great Wheel | Lawson | (SL) (medium) | |
Here a Plant. There a Plant. Everywhere a Plant Plant!: A Story of Luther Burbank | Robert Quackenbush | (easy) | |
Hero of the Titanic | Joan Blos | | |
Hooray for Oklahoma | Carolyn Kirschstein | | |
Huckleberry Finn | | (SL) | |
If You Lived 100 Years Ago Today | Ann McGovern | (easy) | |
If You Lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco Earthquake | Ellen Levine | (easy) | |
If You Lived in the Alaska Territory | Nancy Levinson | (easy) | |
If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island | Ellen Levine | (easy) | |
Immigrant Kids | Russell Freedman | (older) | |
In the Heart of the Rockies | G.A. Henty | (older) | |
It's Only Goodbye: An Immigrant Story | Virginia T. Gross | (easy) | |
Julie | Catherine Marshall | (older) | |
Journey to Ellis Island | Carol Bierman | (easy) | |
Kate Shelly and the Midnight Express | Margaret Wettorer | (easy) | |
Lily and Miss Liberty | Carla Stevens | (easy) | |
Long Way to a New Land | Joan Sandin | (easy) | |
Mark Twain and the Queens of the Mississippi | Cheryl Harness | (medium) | |
Mark Twain | Clinton Cox | | |
Mr. Bell Invents the Telephone | Shippen | (medium) | |
Ordinary Genius: The Story of Albert Einstein | Stephanie Sammartino McPherson | (medium) | |
Orphan Train Quartet | Joan Lowery Nixon | | |
Picture Book of George Washington Carver | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Sojourner Truth | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Thomas Alva Edison | David Adler | (easy) | |
Pocketful of Goobers : a story about George Washington Carver | Barbara Mitchell | (medium) | |
Redskin and the Cow-Boy; A Tale of Western Plains | G.A. Henty | (older) | |
Rooftop Astronomer (Maria Mitchell) | Stephanie McPherson | (easy) | |
Run Away Home | Patricia McKissack | | |
Shoes for Everyone: A Story About Jan Matzeliger | Barbara Mitchell | (medium) | |
Story of Oklahoma | Tinkle | (medium) | |
Story of the Naval Academy | Riesenberg | (medium) | |
Story of the Secret Service | Kuhn | (medium) | |
Story of Thomas Alva Edison: Wizard of Menlo Park | Davidson | (medium) | |
Then Darkness Fled: The Liberating Wisdom of Booker T. Washington | Stephen Mansfield | | |
Thomas Alva Edison | Margaret Cousins | (medium) | |
Train to Somewhere | Eve Bunting | | |
Up the Trail from Texas | Dobie | (medium) | |
We'll Race You Henry: A Story About Henry Ford | Barbara Mitchell | (easy) | |
Wild Bill Hickock | Maryann Weidt | (easy) | |
Wild Bill Hickok | Holbrook | (medium) | |
Will and Orv | Walter Schulz | | |
Willie Jaspers Golden Eagle | F.N. Monjo | (easy) | |
Wizard of Sound: A story about Thomas Edison | Barbara Mitchell | (med) | |
World's Greatest Showman | Bryan | (medium) | |
Wyatt Earp | Holbrook | (medium) | |
You Want Women to Vote Lizzie Stanton? | Jean Fritz | (medium) | |
Young Mark Twain | Kune | (medium) | |
US in the 20th Century Until World War II | | | |
Ahoy! Ahoy! Are You There?: A Story of Alexander Graham Bell | Robert Quackenbush | | |
Along Came the Model T! How Henry Ford Put the World on Wheels | Quackenbush | | |
America I Hear You: A Story About George Gershwin | Barbara Mitchell | | |
Arctic Explorer: A Story of Matthew Henson | Jeri Ferris | | |
Between Two Worlds: A Story About Pearl Buck | Barbara Mitchell | | |
Bud & Me: The True Adventures of the Abernathy Boys | Alta Abernathy | (older) | |
Bully for You Teddy Roosevelt | Jean Fritz | | |
Carry A Big Stick: The Uncommon Heroism of Theodore Roosevelt | George Grant | | |
Charles A. Lindbergh: A Human Hero | James Cross Giblin | | |
Cheaper by the Dozen | | (SL) (older) | |
Child Star | Lydia Weaver | (medium) | |
Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp | Jerry Stanley | | |
Clear the Cow Pasture I'm Coming in for a Landing!: A Story of Amelia Earhart | Robert Quackenbush | | |
Clyde Tombough and the Search for Planet X | Margaret Wetterer | | |
Doctors Who Conquered Yellow Fever | | | |
Dragonwings | | (SL)(older ) | |
Early Days of Automobiles | Janeway | (medium) | |
Endurance: Shakletons Incredible Voyage | Alfred Lansing | (older) | |
Exploring the Titanic | Robert Ballard | | |
FBI by Reynolds 1924 | | (medium) | |
Fire at the Triangle Factory | Holly Littlefield | | |
Fire! | Barbara Goldin | (medium) | |
General Pershing and World War I | | (medium) | |
Ghost Liners: Exploring the World's Greatest Lost Ships | Robert Ballard | | |
Hard Times | Nancy Artley | | |
Hero of the Titanic | Joan Blos | | |
Hero Over Here | Kudlinski | (easy) | |
Loner; The | | (older) | |
Long Way to Go | Zibby Oneal | (medium) | |
Marven of the Great North Woods | Kathryn Lasky | (East) | |
Matter of Pride | Emily Crofford | | |
Medal of Honor Heros | Reeder | (medium) | |
Moonshiners Son | | (older) | |
My Daddy Was a Soldier | Deborah Ray | | |
Nothing to Fear | | (older) | |
Obadiah the Bold | Brinton Turkle | | |
One Bad Thing About Father | F.N. Monjo | (easy) | |
Panama Canal | | (medium) | |
Panama Canal | Considine | | |
Picture Book of Amelia Earhart | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Eleanor Roosevelt | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Helen Keller | David Adler | (easy) | |
Raggin': A Story About Scott Joplin | Barbara Mitchell | | |
Remarkable Ride of the Abernathy Boys | Robert B. Jackson | | |
Sergeant York and the Great War | ed. Tom Skeyhill | | |
Sergeant York: His Life Legend and Legacy | John Perry | | |
Seventeenth Swap | | (older) | |
Story of the U. S. Air Force | Loomis | (medium) | |
Story of the U.S.Coast Guard | Rachlis | (medium) | |
Strawberry Girl | Lois Lenski | (medium) | |
Stubby; Brave Soldier Dog | Richard Glendinning | (easy) | |
Take Me Out to the Airfield!: How the Wright Brothers Invented the Airplane | Robert Quackenbush | | |
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders | Castor | (medium) | |
Titanic Lost and Found | Judy Donnelly | | |
U.S. Border Patrol | Hellyer | (medium) | |
Will and Orv | Walter Schulz | | |
Wright Brothers: How They Invented the Airplane | Russell Freedman | | |
Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation | Quentin Reynolds | (medium) | |
US After World War II | | | |
Americans in Orbit | Gurney America | (medium) | |
Boy Who Dreamed of Rockets; The | Robert Quackenbush | | |
Cracking the Wall: The Struggles of the Little Rock Nine | Eileen Lucas | | |
Dwight D Eisenhower | Moos America | (medium) | |
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made | Paul Brand and P. Yancy | (older) | |
First Circle | Solzhenitsyn | (older) | |
Gifted Hands | Ben Carson | (older) | |
Green Book; The | | (SL) (older) | |
I Can be an Astronaut | June Behrens | | |
If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King | Ellen Levine | | |
If You Lived With the Circus | Ann McGovern | | |
Johnny Hong of Chinatown | Bulla | | |
Journey to Jericho | Scott O'Dell | | |
Korean War Soldier at Heartbreak Ridge | Carl R. Green and William R. Sanford | (medium) | |
Korean War: The Forgotten War | Stein | | |
Neil Armstrong Space Pioneer | Paul Westman | | |
New Americans : Vietnamese Boat People | James Haskins | | |
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich | Solzhenitsyn | (older) | |
Paper Caper; The | Caroline Cooney | | |
Picture Book of John F. Kennedy | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Martin Luther King Jr. | David Adler | (easy) | |
Picture Book of Rosa Parks | David Adler | (easy) | |
President is Dead; The | Virginia Gross | | |
Riders of the Pale Horse | T. Davis Bunn | (older) | |
Run Baby Run | | (SL) (older) | |
Sally Ride Astronaut : An American First | June Behrens | | |
Space Trilogy | C.S. Lewis | (older)(preview) | |
Spacebusters: The Race to the Moon | Philip Wilkinson | | |
Stateswoman to the World : a story about Eleanor Roosevelt | Maryann N. Weidt | | |
Thurgood Marshall : First African-American Supreme Court Justice | Carol Greene | | |
To Kill a Mockingbird | | (SL) (older) | |
Walk in Space | Gurney America | (medium) | |
Wall of Names : the story of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial | Judy Donnelly | | |
Wrinkle in Time | | (SL)(older) | |
Young Rosa Parks Civil Rights Heroine | Anne Benjamin | | |