We love showcasing various companies, organizations or individuals that have supported RISE and our mission. The companies below have been instrumental in RISE’s growth and program implementation. We sincerely thank them!
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Magellan | Galileo | Manutius | DaVinci | Michelangelo |
Mr. Robert Ellis |
Donation Tier Levels
$500 Magellan-an explorer, who persevered through great trials, just as we wish our children to persevere through life and learning.
Our Magellan benefactors will have their names acknowledged during our Grand Opening Ceremony and also listed on our website.
$1,000 Galileo-someone who looked beyond the ordinary and saw the extra-ordinary, even if it wasn’t popular. As parents today, pursuing a non-traditional method of education, we strive to implement the extra-ordinary.
Our Galileo benefactors will have their names acknowledged on our website, announced during our Grand Opening Ceremony and will also be recognized with a plaque, in our building, designated for Renaissance benefactors.
$5,000 Manutius-Aldus Manutius was a famed writer of the Renaissance time. Not only did Manutius excel at writing, he then founded the Aldine Press and helped publish pocket sized books. This allowed books to become more common-place and for more people to learn to read. As educators, we want our children to do things well, but also to look at a problem and seek solutions.
These benefactors will be invited to our Grand Opening Ceremony and acknowledged therein, will be listed on our website and will also be recognized with a plaque, in our building, designated for Renaissance benefactors.
$10,000 DaVinci-a great thinker, and a detailed artist. RISE is supporting families in creating those great thinkers of the future.
Our DaVinci benefactors will be invited to our Grand Opening Ceremony and acknowledged therein, will be listed on our website, and will also be recognized with a plaque, in our building, designated for Renaissance benefactors.
$25,000 Michelangelo-The quintessential Renaissance Man-Michelangelo took up a variety of arts, all with great devotion and ability. If there is any one theme we could wish for our children it would be a variety of disciplines, all done well.
Our Michelangelo benefactors will be highly lauded not only at our Grand Opening, on our website, within our newsletter, and with a plaque within our building, but also by our pledge to name a room after them in our future dedicated facility.