Books in Chronological Order

Books in Chronological Order

Books in History Order

Paula's Archives; Books to Supplement History
TitleAuthorAge Group
World History
Old Testament 
Adam and His KinRuth Beechick 
Behold Your Queen (Esther) Gladys Malvern(older)
Exodus Brian Wildsmith(older) 
Foreigner; The: The Story of a Girl Named RuthGladys Malvern (older) 
Hittite Warrior Joanne Williamson (older) 
JosephBrian Wildsmith (older) 
Moses Leonard Everett Fisher 
Sumer of Mesopotamia: The First CivilizationsCaselli 
TirzahLucille Travis (older) 
Ancient Egypt Daniel Cohen 
Boy of the Pyramids Ruth Fosdick 
Cat of Bubastes G A Henty (older) 
Children's Homer (older) 
Egyptian Pyramids Anne Steel 
Egyptian Town  Scott Steedman
Flash Dog of Old Egypt 
Golden Goblet McGraw 
Great Pyramid Elizabeth Mann 
I Tut; Boy Who Became Pharaoh Schlein 
Mara Daughter of the NileMcGraw  (older)
Pepi and The Secret Names (easy) 
Pharaohs & PyramidsUsborne's Time Traveler set (picture) 
Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt Payne  (medium)
Pyramid Macauley 
Pyramids Anne Millard 
Senefer: A Young Genius in Old Egypt
Greece & Rome 
Adventures of the Greek HeroesMollie McLean & Anne Wiseman 
Adventures of Ulysses Gottlieb (medium) 
Alexander the Great Gunther (medium) 
Archimedes and the Door of Science Bendick (medium) 
Barabbas Par Lagerkvist
Ben Hur Lew Wallace
Beric the Briton: Roman InvasionGA Henty (older) 
Black Ships Before Troy Rosemary Sutcliff 
Bronze Bow Speare
Buried City of PompeiiS. Tanaka 
Caesar Augustus' WorldFoster (older) 
Children of Ancient GreeceLouise Lamprey 
Children of Ancient RomeLouise Lamprey 
Children's HomerPadraic Colum 
CleopatraStanley (SL) 
Cleopatra of Egypt Leonora Hornblow (medium) 
Conqueror and Hero: The Search for Alexander 
Dark Ships Before TroySutcliffe
Detectives in TogasWinterfeld (older)
Eagle of the Ninthby Rosemary Sutcliff
Eratosthenes: The Librarian Who Measured the Earth. (easy) 
Exploits of Xenophon Geoffrey Household (medium) 
For the Temple: Fall of Jerusalem GA Henty (older) 
Golden Days of GreeceOlivia Coolidge 
Golden FleecePadraic Colum 
Great Caesar Plantagenet Somerset Fry(older) 
Greek GazetteUsborne (medium) 
Greek Myths & Stories D'Aulaire
Greek News etc. (medium) 
Hannibal and His 37 Elephants (easy) 
Herodotus for Boys and Girls John S. White 
I Claudius (older)
In Search of Troy 
Jesus of NazarethFosdick (medium) 
Julius Caesar John Gunther (medium) 
Last Days of Pompeii Lord Bulwer-Lytton 
Life of Saint Patrick (medium)
Life of St. PaulFosdick (medium)
Lives of Famous RomansOlivia Coolidge 
Masada Neil Waldman 
Mystery of the Roman Ransom Winterfeld (sequel to Togas) 
Parthenon; The 
Picture History of Ancient RomeRichard Erdoes  (medium)
Plutarch: Ten Famous Lives edited by Charles Robinson Jr. (medium) 
Plutarch's Parallel Lives the translationJohn S. White 
Robe; TheLloyd Douglas 
Roman ColosseumE. Mann 
Roman News (medium) 
Roman Record Usborne (medium) 
Rome & RomansUsborne's Time Traveler set  (picture)
Tombs and Treasures Catherine Charley
Traitor QueenNancy Faulkner (older) 
Trojan HorseEmily Little (easy but helpful to older kids too) 
Vinegar BoyHauwse 
We Were There With Caesar's Legion Webb
WonderbookNathaniel Hawthorne
Young Carthaginian Henty (older) 
The Middle Ages in Europe 
Adam of the Road Gray (SL) 
Adventures & Discoveries of Marco Polo 1300's (medium)
Augustine Came to KentWillard (medium) 
Brendan the Navigator Fritz (medium) 
Cadfael series Peters (adult) (older) 
Chief of the Cossacks (medium) 
Crusades Anthony West (medium) 
Door in the Wallde Angeli (SL) 
The Dragon and the Raven: Or the Days of King AlfredGA Henty (older) 
Fall of Constantinople(medium) 
Gabriel and the Hour Book (older) 
Genghis Kahn & the Mongol HordeHarold lamb(medium)
Great and Terrible Quest (medium) 
Hidden Treasure of Glaston Eleanore Jewett (older) 
If You Lived in the Days of the KnightsAnn McGovern 
In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and BruceGA Henty (older) 
Innocent Wayfaring Chute (older) 
Ivanhoe Scott (older) 
Jackaroo Voight (older) 
Joan of ArcDiane Stanley 
Joan of Arc Nancy Wilson Ross(medium) 
King Alfred the GreatJohnson (older) 
King Arthur & His Knights Mabel Louise Robinson (medium) 
Knights & Castles Usborne's Time Traveler set (picture) 
Magna Charta James Daugherty (medium) 
Making of a Knight (medium) 
Medieval FeastAliki (picture) 
Minstrel in the Tower Skurzynski (SL) 
Mongols Nicholson (older) 
Otto of the Silver Hand Pyle
Parcel of Patterns Walsh (SL) 
Pendragon series Lawhead (older) (preview) 
Red KeepAllen French (older) 
Robin HoodMcGovern (SL) 
Robin Hood Pyle (older) 
Saint George for England: Hundred Years War GA Henty (older) 
Scottish ChiefsPorter (older) 
Secret Beyond the Mountains Ritchie (older) 
Sign of the Green FalconHarness (older) 
Sir Gewain and the Green KnightTolkein (older) 
Son of Charlemagne Willard (older) 
Sons of the Steppe Baumann (older) 
Story of King Arthur Howard Pyle 
Striped ShipsMcGraw (older) 
Sword in the Stone (various versions) 
Trumpeter of KrakowKelly (older) 
Viking RaidersUsborne's Time Traveler set (picture) 
Vikings Elizabeth Janeway (medium) 
We Were There With Richard the Lionhearted (medium) 
White Stag Seredy (medium) 
William the Conqueror Thomas B. Costain (medium) 
Winning His Spurs: CrusadesGA Henty (older) 
Writing on the HearthHarness (older) 
Wulf the Saxon: Norman Conquest GA Henty (older) 
The Renaissance 
Barbary PiratesC. S. Forester (medium) 
Bard of Avon: The Story of Wm. Shakespeare Stanley 
Beautiful Stories from Shakespeare for ChildrenE. Nesbitt 
Black ArrowStevenson (older) 
Boy Knight of ReimsLownsbery (older) 
Cargo of the MadalenaHarnett (older) 
Cathedral Macaulay (medium) 
Catherine the Great Katherine Scherman (medium) 
Dick Whittington and His Cat Marcia Brown (easy) 
Elizabeth Captive Princess Irwin (older) 
Executioner's Daughter (older)(preview) 
Flight and Adventures of Charles II Charles Norman (medium) 
Good Queen BessMalkus (older) 
Great Escapes From the Tower of London Abbott (medium) 
I Juan de Pereja De Trevino
Kidnapped Stevenson (older) 
King's CavalierShellabarger (older) 
Knight of the White Cross: War of the Roses GA Henty (older)
Lady in Waiting Sutcliff  (older)
Leonardo da Vinci Diane Stanley (medium) 
Leonardo da VinciEmily Hahn (medium) 
Life and Times of Louis XIV (older) 
Lion of St. Mark: Venice GA Henty (older) 
Long MegMinard (older) 
Mary Bloody Mary (older) 
Mary Queen of Scots Emily Hahn (medium) 
Master CornhillMcGraw (older) 
Master SkylarkBennett 
Michelangelo and da Vinci; Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artist's series Mike Venezia
Perilous Gard (older) 
Piece of the Mountain: Blaise PascalMcPherson (medium) 
Queen Elizabeth & the Spanish ArmadaFrances Winwar (medium) 
Red Hugh Reilly (older) 
Royal Diary series: Elizabeth Red Rose of Tudor (older) 
Second Mrs. Giaconda; The Konigsburg 
Stars of FortuneHarnett (older) 
Three Musketeers Dumas (older) 
Will Shakespeare and the Globe Theater White (medium) 
World of Lady Jane Grey Gladys Malvern (older) 
The Reformation 
By England’s Aid: Spanish ArmadaGA Henty  (older)
By Pike and Dyke: Rise of the Dutch RepublicGA Henty (older) 
The EscapeVan der Jagt (older) 
The Hawk That Dare Not Hunt by DayO'Dell 
Huguenot GardenJones
Ink on His FingersVernon (SL) 
Lion of the North: Thirty Years War GA Henty (older) 
The Man Who Laid an Egg Louise A. Vernon (medium) 
Martin Luther (medium) 
The Monk Who Shook the WorldDavey 
Morning Star of the ReformationThompson 
St. Bartholomew's Eve Henty (older) 
Watch for the MorningOliver (older) 
Won by the Sword: Thirty Years WarGA Henty (older) 
The Age of Exploration 
1492: Year of Columbus Foster (easy) 
Balboa Syme 
Balboa: Swordsman & Conqueror Riesenberg (medium) 
Brendan the Navigator: A History Mystery About the Discovery of America Jean Fritz (easy) 
By Right of Conquest: With Cortez in MexicoG.A. Henty (older) 
Brandan's Journey Jean Fritz 
Captain Cook Explores the South Seas (medium) 
Captain Cortes Conquers Mexico Wm Johnson (medium) 
ColumbusD’Aulaire (medium) 
Columbus Finder of the New World Ronald Syme (easy) 
ConquistaClyde Robert Bulla (easy) 
The Discovery of the Americas Maestro (medium) 
Explorations of Pere Marquette Jim Kjelgaard (medium) 
Far Voyager Jean Lee Latham
Ferdinand Magellan: Master Mariner Seymour Pond (medium) 
Hawaii Gem of the Pacific Lewis (medium) 
Hudson's Bay Company (medium) 
I Columbus: My Journal  Peter & Connie Roop (easy)
I Discover Columbus Robert Lawson 
If You Were There in 1492 Barbara Brenner (easy) 
Pedro's Journal Conrad (easy) 
Picture Book of Christopher ColumbusDavid Adler (easy) 
The Quest of Captain Cook Millicent Selsam (medium) 
Vasco de Gama Syme 
Voyages of Christopher Columbus (medium) 
Voyages of Henry Hudson (medium) 
Walter Raleigh (medium) 
Westward With Columbus John Dyson (older) 
Where Do You Think You're Going Christopher Columbus Jean Fritz (easy) 
Who Discovered America?McKissack?? (medium) 
World in 1492Jean Fritz (easy) 
World of Columbus and SonsGenevieve Foster (older) 
Europe in the Age of Reason (1700's) 
Adventures of Roderick Random Smollett (older) 
Bonnie Prince Charlie GA Henty (older) 
Catherine the Great Scherman (medium) 
Commodore Perry & the Opening of Japan Kuhn (medium) 
Dark Frigate Hawes (older) (preview) 
Daughter of the Seine Eaton (older) 
Famous Pirates of the New WorldA. B. C. Whipple (medium) 
Following the PhoenixTrevor (older) 
Heart Strangely WarmedLouise Vernon (medium) 
Hero of Trafalger Whipple (medium) 
Journal of Madame Royale Powers (older) 
Last Prince Wallower (older) 
Lorna Doone Blackmore (older) 
Marie Antoinette Belloc (older) 
Marie Antoinette Bernadine Kielty (medium) 
Marquis de Lafayette: Bright Sword of Freedom Carter (medium) 
Mississippi Bubble Costain France & French America (medium) 
Peter the GreatStanley  (SL)
Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada (medium) 
Queen's Necklace Duman (older) 
Reb and the Redcoat Savery (older) 
In the Reign of Terror GA Henty (older) 
Scottish Seas Douglas Jones (older) 
Sea King: Sir Francis Drake Marin (older) 
Slave Who Freed Haiti:Story of LouvertureScherman (medium) 
Songs for a Sixpence Blackstock (older) 
Susanna Wesley ; (Sower series)Ludwig (medium) 
Tale of Two Cities Dickens (older) 
Three Against London Varble (older) 
Young LafayetteEaton (older) 
Young Walter ScottElizabeth Jane Gray 
Europe in the Nineteenth Century 
Abraham Lincoln's WorldFoster 
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle  (older)
Charles Dickens Stanley 
Country Doctor Balzac (older) (preview) 
Cure of ArsWindeatt (older) 
Dash for Khartoum GA Henty (older) 
Doctors Who Conquered Yellow FeverHill (medium) 
EmmaAustin (older) 
Facing Death: Welsh mines GA Henty (older) 
First Transatlantic Cable Nathan (medium) 
Florence Nightingale (medium) 
Florence Nightingale: God's Servant at the Battlefield Collins 
French Foreign Legion Wyatt Blassingame (medium) 
Garibaldi: Father of Modern Italy Marcia Davenport (medium) 
General Brock and Niagra Falls (War of 1812) (medium) 
George Washington's World Foster 
In Search of Honor Hess
King's GiraffeCollier (medium) 
Lord Nelson Hero of Trafalgar A. B. C. Whipple (medium) 
Man Who Changed China: The Story of Sun Yat-sen Buck (medium) 
Michael Strogoff Verne (older) 
Mr. Midshipman HornblowerC.S. Forester
Murder for Her Majesty y Beth Hilgartner (older
Napoleon & the Battle of Waterloo (medium) 
NapoleonCarroll (SL) 
Picture Book of Florence Nightingale David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Louis Braille David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Simon BolivarDavid Adler (easy) 
Queen Victoria Noel Streatfeild (medium) 
Rose RoundTrevor (older) 
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Richard L. Neuberger (medium) 
Russians series Pella (older) 
Secret of the Ruby Ring Yvonne MacGrorry (older) 
Seeing Fingers Louis Braille de Gering (older) 
Simon Bolivar the Great LiberatorArnold Whitridge (medium) 
Story of Scotland Yard Laurence Thompson (medium) 
Tom Brown's School Days Hughes (older) 
VictoriaChiflet (older) 
WilberforcePollock (older) 
Wolves of Willoughby Chase Aiken (older) 
World War I 
America's First World War: General PershingHenry Castor (medium) 
Bold Leaders of World War ICol. Red Reider (medium) 
Flying Aces of World War IGene Gurney (medium) 
Gay Neck, Story of a Pigeon
House on Walenska Street Herman 
Lawrence of ArabiaMacLean (medium) 
Medal of Honor Heroes (medium) 
Story of Albert Schweitzer (medium) 
World War II 
Battle for Iwo Jima Leckie WWII (medium) 
Battle for the Atlantic  Williams (medium)
Battle for the BulgeToland (medium) 
Battle of Britain Quentin Reynolds (medium)
Ben-Gurion and the Birth of Israel 1940's (medium) 
Chestry OakSeredy
Combat Nurses of World War II Wyatt Blassingame (medium) 
Commandos of World War II Hodding Carter (medium) 
Escape from Warsaw Serraillier (SL) 
Flat Top Aircraft CarriersCastillo (medium) 
Flying Tigers by Tolark (medium)
From Casablanca to BerlinBliven (medium) 
From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa Bliven (medium) 
Great American Fighter Pilots of World War II R. Loomis (medium)
Guadalcanal Diary Richard Tregaskis (medium) 
Hiroshima John Hersey
JFK and the PT-109Tregaskis (medium) 
Medical Corps Heros of World War II Blasingame (medium) 
Midway: Battle for the Pacific Castillo (medium) 
North to Freedom (SL)
Number the Stars (SL) 
Pearl Harbor is Burning Kudlinski (medium) 
Picture Book of Anne FrankDavid Adler (easy) 
Rise and Fall of Adolf HitlerWilliam L. Shirer (medium) 
Seabees of World War II Castillo (medium) 
Sinking of the Bismarck William L. Shirer (medium) 
Snow Treasure McSwigen (SL) 
Story of Atomic Energy 1940's (medium) 
Story of D DayBliven (medium) 
Story of D-Day (medium) 
Story of SubmarinesWeller (medium) 
Story of the Paratroops Weller (medium) 
Thirty Seconds Over TokyoLawson (medium) 
Twenty and Ten (SL) 
U.S. Frogmen of WWII Blasingame (medium) 
Winston Churchill Reynolds (medium) 
Young Underground Series Robert Elmer (WW II; Christian; 10 or more books in the series) 
The World Since 1945 
Cry the Beloved CountryAlan Paton (older) 
Exploring the Himalayas William O. Douglas (medium) 
The Good Master Seredy  (SL)
Kon-Tiki Thor Heyerdahl (older) 
Plague Carol Balizet (older) 
The Perfect StormSebastian Junger (older) 
Red Scarf Girl 
United Nations in War and Peace Fehrenbach (medium) 
War in Korea (medium) 
Watership Down Richard Adams (older) 
Within Reach: My Everest Story Mark Pfezer & Jack Galvin (older) 
U.S. History
Colonial Period 
1620 Year of the Pilgrims Genevieve Foster (easy) 
America Builds Homes; The Story of the First ColoniesAlice Dalgliesh (easy) 
Bannekers of Bannaky Springs Harrison 
Brown Shadow Craig Massey (older) 
Crucible; TheArthur Miller (older) 
Daniel's DuckBulla (easy) 
Deerslayer James Fenimore Cooper (older) 
Double Life of Pocahontas Jean Fritz (easy) 
Down Ryton Water (older) 
Early Thunder (older) 
Eating the Plates: A Pilgrim Book of Manners Lucille Recht Penner (easy) 
Finding Providence-The Story of Roger Williams (easy) 
First ThanksgivingDalgliesh (easy) 
Good News From New England Edward Winslow (older) 
Hatmakers SignFleming (easy)
Hiawatha Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (easy) 
Homes in the Wilderness subtitled A Pilgrim's Journal of Plymouth Plantation in 1620 edited by Margaret Wise Brown
If You Grew Up With George Washington Ruth Belov (easy) 
If You Lived in Colonial Times Ann McGovern (easy) 
If You Lived in Williamsburg in Colonial DaysBrenner (easy) 
If You Lived With the Iroquois Ellen Levine (easy) 
If You Sailed on the Mayflower Ann McGovern (easy) 
Indian Drums and Broken Arrows (older) 
Jamestown, New World Adventure 
James Printer: A Novel of Rebellion (older) 
John Smith of Virginia Ronald Syme (easy) 
John Smith: Gentleman AdventurerC.H. Forbes-Lindsay (older) 
Landing of the Pilgrims James Doughtery (older) 
Legend of Bluebonnet Tomie de Paola (easy) 
Mary Geddy's Day : Colonial Girl in Williamsburg Kate Waters (easy) 
Matchlock Gun Walter Edmonds (easy) 
Mort’s Relation William Bradford (older) 
On the Mayflower : Voyage of the Ship's Apprentice & a Passenger Girl Kate Waters (easy) 
Pocahontas D'Aulaire (medium) 
Pocahontas and the Strangers Bulla (medium) 
Prisoners' Sword Barbara Chamberlain
Puritan Adventure Lenski 
Samuel Eaton’s DayKate Waters (easy) 
Sarah Morton’s Day Kate Waters (easy) 
Small Wolf Nathaniel Benchley (easy) 
Squanto: Friend of the PilgrimsClyde Robert Bulla (easy) 
Story of William Penn Aliki(easy)
Tapenum's Day: A Wampanoag Indian Boy in Pilgrim Times Kate Waters (easy) 
This Dear-Bought Land Jean Lee Latham (older) 
Three Ships Come Sailing Gilchrist Waring (easy) 
Three Young PilgrimsCheryl Harness (easy) 
Thunder From the Clear Sky Marcia Sewall
Tomahawks and TrombonesBarbara Mitchell (easy) 
Two Mighty Rivers (Son of Pocahontas) Mari Hanes
What Are You Figuring Now Benjamin Banneker Jeri Ferris (easy) 
Whistle; The Ben Franklin (easy) 
White Sails to ChinaBulla (easy) 
Who's That Stepping on Plymouth Rock? Jean Fritz (easy) 
William Bradford: Plymouth’s Faithful Pilgrim Gary Schmidt (older) 
Witchcraft of Salem Village Shirley Jackson (older) 
World of Captain John Smith Foster (older) 
Young John Quincy) Cheryl Harness (easy)
American Revolution
Aaron and the Green Mountain BoysPatricia Lee Gouch (easy) 
American Revolution Bliven (medium) 
American Revolution How we fought the War of Independence Dolan 
And Then What Happened Paul Revere? Fritz (easy) 
Arrow Over the DoorJoseph Bruchac
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (older) 
Battle of Trenton Mc Phillips 
Bells of Freedom Dorothy Gilman 
Ben and MeBen Lawson (easy) 
Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia Cousins (medium) 
Benedict Arnold Syme 
Benjamin Franklin D’Aulaire (medium) 
Betsy Ross and the Flag Mayer (medium) 
Bill of Rights (Cornerstones of Freedom series) R. Conrad Stein (easy) 
Boston Coffee Party (easy) 
Can't You Make Them Behave King George?Fritz (easy) 
Daughter of Revolution: A True Story of the American Revolution Quackenbush (easy) 
Day of GloryPhilip Spencer 
Deadly Chase (v. 2 in the series "Colonial Captives") Angela Elwell Hunt 
Deborah Sampson Goes to War Stevens (easy) 
Drums at Saratoga Banim (easy) 
Drums James Boyd (older) 
Ethan Allen The Green Mountain BoysBrown (medium) 
George the Drummer Boy Benchley (easy) 
George Washington North (medium) 
George Washington: A Picture Book Biography James Gilblin (easy) 
George Washington's BreakfastFritz (easy) 
George Washington's Mother Jean Fritz (easy) 
George Washington's SocksElvira Woodruff 
Give Me Liberty: The Christian Patriotism of Patrick HenryDavid Vaughn (older) 
Give Us Liberty HS Peterson
Green Mountain Boys 
Guns for General Washington Seymour Reit (SL)(older) 
Heroines of '76 Anticagila 
Home on Stoney Creek Wanda Luttrell (V. 1 of 3 in a series; Christian) 
If You Lived at the Time of the American RevolutionKay Moore (easy)
If You Were There in 1776 Barbara Brenner 
If You Were There When They Signed the ConstitutionElizabeth Levy (easy) 
James Madison and Dolley Madison and Their Times (easy) 
John Paul JonesDorothea J. Snow 
John Paul Jones Sperry (medium) 
Johnny Tremain (older) 
Joke's On George Michael Tunnell (easy) 
Journal of a Revolutionary Woman Greenberg 
Journey to Monticello James E. Knight (easy) 
Katie's Trunk Turner (easy) 
Last of the Mohicans James Fenimore Cooper (older) 
Meet George Washington Heilbroner (easy) 
Meet Thomas JeffersonBarrett (easy) 
Minute Boys of Bunker Hill Edward Stratmeyer (older) 
Minute Boys of Lexington Edward Stratmeyer(older) 
A More Perfect Union: The Story of the Constitution 
My Brother Sam is Dead James L & Christopher Collier 
Narrative of Colonel Ethan AllenEthan Allen (older) 
Night Journeys Avi (older) 
Our Independence and the Constitution Fisher (medium) 
Paul Revere (Childhood of Famous Americans Series) 
Paul Revere and the Minutemen Fisher (medium) 
Paul Revere's Ride Ted Rand illus. 
Phoebe the Spy Judith Berry Griffin (easy) 
Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of George Washington David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Paul Revere David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Patrick Henry Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson David Adler (easy) 
Poor Richard James Doughtery (older) 
Private Yankee Doodle Martin 
Pop Goes The Weasel & Yankee Doodle Robert Quackenbush
Revolutionary Poet: A Story About Phyllis Wheatley Maryann N. Weidt (easy) 
Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior in Company and ConversationGeorge Washington (older) 
Sam the MinutemanBenchley (easy) 
Samual Adams: The Father of American IndependenceDennis Fradin (older) 
Samuel's Choice Berleth (easy) 
Sarah Bishop Scott O'Dell (older) 
Shh! We're Writing the ConstitutionFritz(easy)
Shot Heard Round the World Nolan 
Silver for General WashingtonMeadowcroft 
Six Silver Spoons Lowery (easy) 
Spies on the Devil's Belt Betsy Haynes 
Spy and General Washinton; The Wise 
Spy in Old Philadelphia Anne Emery 
Story of Lexington and Concord Stein 
Story of the Boston Massacre Phelan
Story of the Boston Tea PartyStein 
Story of the U.S. MarinesHunt (medium) 
Swamp Fox of the Revolution Holbrook (medium) 
The Great Little Madison Jean Fritz 
The Keeping Room Myers Shows horrors of war. (preview) 
Thomas Jefferson Sheean (medium) 
Thomas Jefferson: Architect of Democracy John Severance (older) 
Traitor: the Case of Benedict ArnoldFritz 
We the People Peter Spier (picture book) 
What's the Big Idea Ben Franklin? Fritz (easy) 
Where Was Patrick Henry on the 29th of May? Fritz (easy) 
Why Don't You Get a Horse Sam Adams?Fritz (easy) 
Why Not Lafayette?Jean Fritz (easy) 
Will You Sign Here John Hancock? Fritz (easy) 
Williamsburg Years (6-book Christian Heritage Series) Nancy Rue
Winter at Valley Forge James Knight (easy) 
Winter at Valley Forge Mason (medium) 
Winter Hero J.L. Collier & C. Collier 
Winter of The Red Snow K. Gregory (older) 
World of Knowing: A Story About Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet (deaf) Andy Russell Bowen (easy) 
World Turned Upside Down Richard Ferrie
Yankee Doodle Boy ed. Joseph Plumb Martin (older) 
Yankee DoodleGary Chalk (Dorling Kindersley) (E) 
Young Patriot Jim Murphy (older) 
Young Paul Revere's BostonEpstein 
War of 1812 
18 Penny Goose (easy) 
1812, The War Nobody Won A. Marin 
Abigails Drum Minahan (easy) 
American Army of Two J Greeson (easy) 
Carry On Mr. Bowditch (older)
Cornstalks and CannonballsBarbara Mitchell (easy) 
Dolly MadisonMayer (medium) 
General Brock and Niagra Falls Adam (medium) 
Keep the Lights Burning AbbiePeter & Connie Roop (easy) 
Lafitte the Pirate Ariane Dewey (easy) 
Once On This Island G. Whelan
Pirate Lafitte and Battle of New Orleans Tallant (medium) 
So Proudly She SailedCabral
Star-Spangled BannerPeter Spier (easy) 
Westward Expansion & Frontier Life 
Addie Across the Prairie Laurie Lawlor
Addie's Dakota Winter Laurie Lawlor 
Ahyoka and the Talking LeavesPeter & Connie Roop (easy) 
Amazing Impossible Erie Canal Cheryl Harness (easy) 
Back of Beyond; The: A Story About Lewis and Clark Andy Russell Bowen (easy) 
Ballad of Lucy Whipple (older) 
Bandit's MoonSid Fleischman 
Bears on Hemlock MountainDalgliesh (easy) 
Beyond the Divide Kathryn Lasky 
Bonanza Girl Patricia Beatty
Boy in the Alamo Margaret Cousins(older) 
Bread-and-Butter Indian Anne Colver 
Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express (Easy)) 
Cabin Faced West Fritz (easy) 
California Gold RushMcNeer (medium) 
Captain's Dog: My Journey with the Lewis and Clark Tribe Roland Smith 
Carolina's CourageElizabeth Yates 
Children of the Wild WestRussell Freedman (easy) 
Coming of the Mormons Kjelgaard (medium) 
Courage of Sarah Noble Alice Dalgliesh (easy) 
Custer's Last StandReynolds (medium) 
Daniel BooneBrown (medium) 
Davy Crocket Holbrook (medium) 
Donner PartyMarian Calabro (older) 
Empires Lost and Won: The Spanish Heritage in the SouthwestAlbert Marrin (older) 
Erie Canal Adams (medium) 
Facing West: A Story of the Oregon TrailKathleen Kudlinski (easy) 
First Overland MailPinkerton (medium) 
Flaming ArrowsWilliam O. Steele 
Gathering of Days Joan Blos (easy) 
Geronimo Moody (medium) 
Going West Jean an Leeuwen (easy) 
Gone and Back Nathaniel Benchley 
Great American Gold RushRhoda Blumberg 
Great Turkey Walk Kathleen Karr(med) 
Head Full of Notions: A Story About Robert Fulton Andy Russell Bowen (easy) 
Heroines of the Early WestRoss (medium) 
How We Crossed the West: The Adventures of Lewis and Clark Rosalyn Schanzer (med) 
I am Houston Wade 
If You Lived With the Cherokee Peter Roop (easy) 
If You Lived With the Hopi Anne Kamma 
If You Lived With the Sioux Indians Ann McGovern (easy) 
If You Traveled West on a Covered Wagon Ellen Levine (easy) 
Indian CraftsD'Amato 
Indian SummerF.N. Monjo (easy) 
Indian Winter Russell Freedman (easy) 
It's Only Goodbye Virginia T. Gross(medium)
Jericho's Journey Wisler
John James Audubon Kieran (medium) 
Journals of Lewis and Clark ed. John Bakeless (older) 
Journeyman (SL) 
Kit Carson and the Wild Frontier
Kit Carson Moody (medium) 
Kit Carson; Childhood of Famous Americans 
Lewis and Clark Neuberger (medium) 
Life of David Crockett by himself (older) 
Light in the Forest Conrad Richter (older) 
Little House on the Prairie series Laura Ingalls Wilder 
Lone Star: A Story of the Texas Rangers Kathleen Kudlinski(easy) 
Louisianna Purchase Talbot (medium) 
Make Way for Sam Houston Fritz (medium) 
Moccasin Trail Eloise Jarvis McGraw (older) 
Mr. Blue Jeans : a story about Levi Strauss Maryann N. Weidt 
Night Bird: A Story of the Seminole Indians Kathleen Kudlinski (easy) 
Of Courage Undaunted James Doughtery (older) 
Oh What an Awful Mess! : A Story of Charles Goodyear Robert Quackenbush (easy) 
On to OregonHonore Morrow
Overland in 1846: Diaries and Letters of the California Oregon Trail ed. Dale Morgan (older) 
Picture Book of Davy CrockettDavid Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of SacagaweaDavid Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Sitting Bull David Adler (easy) 
Pioneers Go West George R. Stewart(older) 
Piper's Ferry Wisler
Pony Express Adams (medium) 
Prairie Visions Pam Conrad (easy) 
Quick Annie Give me a Catchy Line!: A story of Samuel F.B. Morse Robert Quackenbush (easy) 
Remember the Alamo Warren (medium) 
Retreat to GloryLatham
Riding the Pony Express Bulla (easy) 
Robert Fulton and the SteamboatHill (medium) 
Rough and Ready ProspectorsA.S. Gintzler 
Saga of Lewis and Clark
Sam Houston a Discovery Book JL Latham (easy) 
Sam Houston Johnson (medium) 
Sam Houston the Tallest Texan
Samuel F.B. Morse (Sower)Tiner (SL)(older) 
Sante Fe TrailAdams (medium) 
Sarah Plain and Tall Patricia McLachlan (easy) 
Sarah Witcher’s Story Elizabeth Yates (easy) 
Sequoyah Riger (medium) 
Shaking the Nickel Bush Moody (SL)(older) 
Soft Rain Cornelissen
Story of General Custer Margaret Leighton 
Story of San FranciscoJackson (medium) 
Story of the Gold at Sutter's MillR. Conrad Stein 
Story of the Homestead Act R. Conrad Stein (easy) 
Susanna of the Alamo John Jakes (easy) 
Swift Rivers (SL)(older) 
Texas RangersHenry (medium) 
They're Off! The Story of the Pony Express Cheryl Harness (easy) 
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too Young (medium) 
To California in a Covered Wagon Stewart (medium) 
Trappers and Traders of the Far WestDaugherty (medium) 
Tree in the Trail H.C. Holling 
True Book and New True Book series
Voices of the AlamoSherry Garland(older) 
Wagon Wheels (easy) 
War Chief of the SeminolesMcNeer (medium) 
Watt Got You Started Mr. Fulton? : A Story of James Watt & Robert Fulton Robert Quackenbush (easy) 
Way West; The A.S. Knight (picture book) 
What's the Big Deal
Who Let Muddy Boots Into the White House? : A Story of Andrew JacksonRobert Quackenbush (easy) 
Wilderness WifeDegering 
Words by Heart Ouida Sebestyen 
Wyatt Earp: U.S. Marshall (medium) 
York (easy) 
Civil War 
Abe Lincoln: Log Cabin to WhitehouseSterling North (medium) 
Abe Lincoln Goes to Washington Cheryl Harness 
Abe Lincoln's Hat (easy) 
Abraham Lincoln ) D'Aulaire (easy)
Across Five Aprils (SL) 
Allen Jay and the Underground RailroadMarlene Brill (easy) 
Among the Camps: Young People’s Stories of the WarThomas Nelson Page (older) 
Battle of GettysburgCol. Frank A. Haskell(older) 
Be Ever Hopeful Hannalee Patricia Beatty (older) 
Billy Yank: The Union Soldier in the Civil War (easy) 
Boys' War, TheJim Murphy (older) 
Brady Fritz (medium) 
Bull Run Paul Fleischman (older) 
Call of Duty: The Sterling Nobility of Robert E. Lee J. Steven Wilkins
Captured by a Spy L. Travis 
Charley Skedaddle Patricia Beatty
Commander in Chief: Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War Albert Marrin
Drinking Gourd, TheF. N. Monjo (easy) 
Drummer Boy's Battle; TheDave & Neta Jackson 
Freedom Crossing by Margaret Goff Clark 
Gettysburg MacKinlay Kantor (medium) 
Go Free or Die: A Story About Harriet Tubman (easy) 
Golden Book of the Civil War
Good Morning Mr. President: A story About Carl SandburgBarbara Mitchell (easy) 
Grace's Letter to Lincoln (easy) 
Harriet and the Promised Land Jacob Lawrence (easy) 
Harriet and the Runaway Book Johanna Johnston (easy) 
Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Beecher PreachersJean Fritz 
If You Grew Up With Abraham LincolnAnn McGovern (easy) 
If You Lived at the Time of the Civil War Kay Moore (easy) 
If You Traveled on the Underground Railroad Ellen Levine (easy) 
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry in American history R. Conrad Stein (easy) 
Johnny Reb: The Confederate Soldier in the Civil War (easy) 
Just a Few Words, Mr. Lincoln : the Story of the Gettysburg Address Fritz (easy) 
Last Safe House: A Story of the Underground Railroad Barbara Greenwood 
Lincoln: A PhotobiographyRussell Freedman (older) 
Long Journey Home Julius Lester 
Long Road to Gettysburg Jim Murphy
Meet Abraham Lincoln Barbara Cary (easy) 
Perilous Road, TheWilliam O. Steele (older) 
Picture Book of Abraham LincolnDavid Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Frederick Douglass David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Harriet Tubman David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Robert E. Lee David Adler (easy) 
River of FireBettie Wilson Story 
Robert E. Lee Carol Greene (easy) 
Runaway to Freedom Barbara Smucker 
Slave Dancer Paula Fox (older) 
Slave Ship, TheEmma Gelders Sterne 
Slopes of War (older) 
Story of the Battle of Bull Run Zachary Kent (medium) 
Story of the Battle of ShilohZachary Kent (medium) 
Story of the Gettysburg Address Kenneth Richards (medium) 
Story of the Surrender at Appomattox Court House
Story of the Underground Railroad R. Conrad Stein (medium) 
Thief from Five PointsL. Travis 
Thunder at Gettysburg Patricia Lee Gauch (easy) 
To Be A SlaveJulius Lester (older) 
Undying Glory Clinton Cox
Value of Helping : The Story of Harriet TubmanAnn Donegan (easy) 
Vicksburg VeteranF.N. Monjo (easy) 
War Comes to Willy Freeman (V. 1 in a series) James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier (older)(preview) 
Who Comes With Cannons? Patricia Beatty 
With Lee in Virginia G.A. Henty (older) 
US in the Late 19th & Early 20th Century 
Call of the Wild (older) 
Alaska Gold Rush McNeer (medium) 
Alexander Graham Bell Leonard Evrett Fisher
Along Came the Model T! How Henry Ford Put the World on WheelsQuackenbush (easy) 
Andrew CarnegieShippen (medium) 
Big Balloon Race Eleanor Coerr (easy) 
Bite of the Gold Bug: A Story of the Alaskan Gold Rush Barthe Clements (medium) 
Bobbin Girl EA McCully (picture book) 
Buffalo Bill's Great Wild West Show Havighurst (medium) 
Building of the First Transcontinental RailroadNathan (medium) 
Carolina’s Courage Elizabeth Yates (easy) 
Clara and the Bookwagon (easy) 
CLICK! : A Story about George Eastman Barbara Mitchell (older) 
Conquest of the North and South Poles Owen (medium) 
Copper Kings of Montana Place (medium) 
Cowboys of the Wild West Russell Freedman (older) 
The Day it Rained Forever Virginia T Gross (medium)
Dear America/So Far From Home B Denenberg(older) 
Disaster at JohnstownDolson (medium) 
Dragon’s Gate (SL) (older) 
Earthquake! A Story of Old San FranciscoKathleen Kudlinski (med) 
Ellis Island SeriesJoan Lowery Nixon
George Washington Carver White (medium) 
Golden Age of Railroads Holbrook (medium) 
Golden Spike R. Conrad Stein (easy) 
Great Fire; The Jim Murphy (medium) 
Great WheelLawson (SL) (medium) 
Here a Plant. There a Plant. Everywhere a Plant Plant!: A Story of Luther Burbank Robert Quackenbush (easy) 
Hero of the Titanic Joan Blos 
Hooray for OklahomaCarolyn Kirschstein 
Huckleberry Finn (SL) 
If You Lived 100 Years Ago Today Ann McGovern (easy) 
If You Lived at the Time of the Great San Francisco EarthquakeEllen Levine (easy) 
If You Lived in the Alaska Territory Nancy Levinson (easy)
If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island Ellen Levine (easy) 
Immigrant Kids Russell Freedman (older) 
In the Heart of the Rockies G.A. Henty(older) 
It's Only Goodbye: An Immigrant Story Virginia T. Gross (easy) 
Julie Catherine Marshall (older)
Journey to Ellis Island Carol Bierman (easy) 
Kate Shelly and the Midnight Express Margaret Wettorer (easy) 
Lily and Miss Liberty Carla Stevens (easy) 
Long Way to a New LandJoan Sandin (easy) 
Mark Twain and the Queens of the MississippiCheryl Harness (medium) 
Mark Twain Clinton Cox
Mr. Bell Invents the Telephone Shippen (medium) 
Ordinary Genius: The Story of Albert Einstein Stephanie Sammartino McPherson (medium) 
Orphan Train Quartet Joan Lowery Nixon
Picture Book of George Washington Carver David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Sojourner Truth David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Thomas Alva EdisonDavid Adler (easy) 
Pocketful of Goobers : a story about George Washington CarverBarbara Mitchell (medium) 
Redskin and the Cow-Boy; A Tale of Western Plains G.A. Henty (older) 
Rooftop Astronomer (Maria Mitchell) Stephanie McPherson (easy) 
Run Away Home Patricia McKissack
Shoes for Everyone: A Story About Jan Matzeliger Barbara Mitchell (medium) 
Story of Oklahoma Tinkle (medium) 
Story of the Naval Academy Riesenberg (medium) 
Story of the Secret Service Kuhn (medium) 
Story of Thomas Alva Edison: Wizard of Menlo ParkDavidson (medium) 
Then Darkness Fled: The Liberating Wisdom of Booker T. Washington Stephen Mansfield
Thomas Alva Edison Margaret Cousins  (medium)
Train to Somewhere Eve Bunting
Up the Trail from TexasDobie (medium) 
We'll Race You Henry: A Story About Henry FordBarbara Mitchell (easy) 
Wild Bill Hickock Maryann Weidt (easy) 
Wild Bill Hickok Holbrook (medium) 
Will and Orv Walter Schulz 
Willie Jasper’s Golden EagleF.N. Monjo (easy) 
Wizard of Sound: A story about Thomas Edison Barbara Mitchell (med) 
World's Greatest Showman Bryan (medium) 
Wyatt Earp Holbrook (medium) 
You Want Women to Vote Lizzie Stanton? Jean Fritz (medium) 
Young Mark Twain Kune (medium) 
US in the 20th Century Until World War II 
Ahoy! Ahoy! Are You There?: A Story of Alexander Graham Bell Robert Quackenbush 
Along Came the Model T! How Henry Ford Put the World on Wheels Quackenbush 
America I Hear You: A Story About George Gershwin Barbara Mitchell 
Arctic Explorer: A Story of Matthew Henson Jeri Ferris 
Between Two Worlds: A Story About Pearl BuckBarbara Mitchell 
Bud & Me: The True Adventures of the Abernathy BoysAlta Abernathy (older) 
Bully for You Teddy Roosevelt Jean Fritz 
Carry A Big Stick: The Uncommon Heroism of Theodore RooseveltGeorge Grant
Charles A. Lindbergh: A Human Hero James Cross Giblin
Cheaper by the Dozen (SL) (older) 
Child Star Lydia Weaver (medium)
Children of the Dust Bowl: The True Story of the School at Weedpatch Camp Jerry Stanley
Clear the Cow Pasture I'm Coming in for a Landing!: A Story of Amelia Earhart Robert Quackenbush 
Clyde Tombough and the Search for Planet X Margaret Wetterer 
Doctors Who Conquered Yellow Fever
Dragonwings (SL)(older )
Early Days of AutomobilesJaneway (medium) 
Endurance: Shakleton’s Incredible VoyageAlfred Lansing (older) 
Exploring the Titanic Robert Ballard
FBI by Reynolds 1924 (medium) 
Fire at the Triangle Factory Holly Littlefield 
Fire! Barbara Goldin (medium)
General Pershing and World War I (medium) 
Ghost Liners: Exploring the World's Greatest Lost ShipsRobert Ballard
Hard Times Nancy Artley 
Hero of the Titanic Joan Blos 
Hero Over Here Kudlinski (easy)
Loner; The (older) 
Long Way to Go Zibby Oneal (medium)
Marven of the Great North Woods Kathryn Lasky (East) 
Matter of Pride Emily Crofford 
Medal of Honor HerosReeder (medium) 
Moonshiner’s Son (older) 
My Daddy Was a Soldier Deborah Ray 
Nothing to Fear (older) 
Obadiah the Bold Brinton Turkle 
One Bad Thing About Father F.N. Monjo (easy) 
Panama Canal (medium) 
Panama Canal Considine 
Picture Book of Amelia Earhart David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Eleanor Roosevelt David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Helen KellerDavid Adler (easy) 
Raggin': A Story About Scott JoplinBarbara Mitchell 
Remarkable Ride of the Abernathy Boys Robert B. Jackson
Sergeant York and the Great War ed. Tom Skeyhill
Sergeant York: His Life Legend and Legacy John Perry
Seventeenth Swap (older) 
Story of the U. S. Air ForceLoomis (medium) 
Story of the U.S.Coast GuardRachlis (medium) 
Strawberry GirlLois Lenski (medium) 
Stubby; Brave Soldier Dog Richard Glendinning (easy) 
Take Me Out to the Airfield!: How the Wright Brothers Invented the Airplane Robert Quackenbush 
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough RidersCastor (medium) 
Titanic Lost and Found Judy Donnelly 
U.S. Border Patrol Hellyer (medium) 
Will and OrvWalter Schulz 
Wright Brothers: How They Invented the AirplaneRussell Freedman
Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation Quentin Reynolds (medium) 
US After World War II 
Americans in OrbitGurney America (medium) 
Boy Who Dreamed of Rockets; The Robert Quackenbush 
Cracking the Wall: The Struggles of the Little Rock Nine Eileen Lucas 
Dwight D Eisenhower Moos America (medium) 
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made Paul Brand and P. Yancy (older) 
First Circle Solzhenitsyn (older) 
Gifted Hands Ben Carson (older) 
Green Book; The (SL) (older) 
I Can be an Astronaut June Behrens 
If You Lived at the Time of Martin Luther King Ellen Levine 
If You Lived With the CircusAnn McGovern 
Johnny Hong of Chinatown Bulla 
Journey to Jericho Scott O'Dell 
Korean War Soldier at Heartbreak RidgeCarl R. Green and William R. Sanford (medium) 
Korean War: The Forgotten WarStein 
Neil Armstrong Space Pioneer Paul Westman 
New Americans : Vietnamese Boat People James Haskins 
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Solzhenitsyn (older) 
Paper Caper; The Caroline Cooney 
Picture Book of John F. Kennedy David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Martin Luther King Jr.David Adler (easy) 
Picture Book of Rosa Parks David Adler (easy) 
President is Dead; TheVirginia Gross 
Riders of the Pale HorseT. Davis Bunn (older) 
Run Baby Run (SL) (older) 
Sally Ride Astronaut : An American FirstJune Behrens 
Space TrilogyC.S. Lewis (older)(preview) 
Spacebusters: The Race to the Moon Philip Wilkinson 
Stateswoman to the World : a story about Eleanor Roosevelt Maryann N. Weidt 
Thurgood Marshall : First African-American Supreme Court Justice Carol Greene 
To Kill a Mockingbird (SL) (older) 
Walk in Space Gurney America (medium) 
Wall of Names : the story of the Vietnam Veterans MemorialJudy Donnelly 
Wrinkle in Time (SL)(older) 
Young Rosa Parks Civil Rights Heroine Anne Benjamin